Entries by Bernard

Geotechnical Mechanics FINAL EXAMINATION

Geotechnical Mechanics FINAL EXAMINATION Question # 1 Short Answer questions (15 marks) 1.1 Which of the following unit weights will have the lowest value in soil? a) Bulk unit weight b) Buoyant unit weight c) Saturated unit weight d) Dry unit weight 1.2 Which of the following soils would have lower hydraulic conductivity? a) SM […]

Lectures on the psychology of women

Lectures on the psychology of women Required Text: Chrisler, J. C. & Golden, C. (2018). Lectures on the psychology of women (5th ed.). Waveland Press, Inc. ISBN # 978-1-4786-3584-0 Chapter topic from book “Women with Disabilities” Write an analysis that breaks down the major themes within the reading. Use critical thought the challenge or explore […]

Best practices in nurse-patient inter-professional and collaborative communication in health care

Best practices in nurse-patient inter-professional and collaborative communication in health care Purpose The purpose of this assignment is for the student to develop a case study investigating communication issues resulting in inter-professional team conflicts. The case will demonstrate best practices in nurse-patient, inter-professional and collaborative communication in health care. The case will include examples of […]

Summary and Reflections

Summary and Reflections Please submit your 500 word summary of ACA Advocacy Competencies: Social Justice Advocajvzcy at the Client/Student Level APA format ACA Advocacy Competencies: Social Justice Advocacy at the Client/Student Level Manivong J. Ratts and A. Michael Hutchins There is a rise in calls for counselors to be advocates for social justice. Counselors can […]

Model of nursing empowerment

Model of nursing empowerment 1. Construct your own model of nursing empowerment. Use Module 3 readings as well as additional articles on empowerment and the effects empowerment has on nurses/nursing practice. (Note the models pictured in some of these articles.) 2. In order to accomplish this assignment you will first need to: Determine from each […]

Clinical Evaluation

Clinical Evaluation In this research paper you will describe the process of clinical evaluation for a musculoskeletal injury of your choice. This paper should be 3-5 pages long (excluding references), 12 point font, double-spaced, and needs to include at least 4 current sources, of which at least 2 are peer-review journal articles or scholarly books. […]

Market Segmentation

Market Segmentation 1) Go to the “My Best Segments” portion of the Claritas Web site, https://claritas360.claritas.com/mybestsegments/ Click on the tab that says ” Enter ZIP Code ” then enter zip code- 43231, to learn which segments are the top five for Zip Code (43231). Follow the links for each of the five most common PRIZM […]

Employment Relationship OB

Employment Relationship OB 1 page paper over the below topics Analyze the issues surrounding the formation, duration and termination of the employment relationship. Explain the federal laws and regulations pertaining to employee workplace rights.

Why should companies go green?

Why should companies go green? Assessment 1: Individual presentation (50% of the overall mark) The first assessment is an individual presentation on the following topic: Why do, or should, companies go green? Analyse the business and moral case for going green making use of relevant examples. Your PowerPoint presentation should contain notes explaining the content […]