Enterprise Engineer in Apple Inc
You will do part 2, 3, and 4 in the guideline. The purpose of this project is to describe a business process. Based on that descriiption, we are able to extract ontological transactions, build OCD model, TPT, and PSD. Apple has many departments. You can choose one such as manufacturing, graphic design, marketing, sales, etc, the main important thing is to build the OCD model, TPT, and process model.
Please refer to Kemeling and IES cases to get ideas of writing part 2.
Please refer to Lifetime case descriiption for building OCD and TPT.
Please refer DB 3.4.1 M1 h EN (slides 83-11) for Organization construction model (OCD) and Transaction product table (TPT)
Please refer to DB 3.4.1 M2 (slides 26-57) for Bank content table (BCT) and process model (PSD)
Please refer to DEMOSL 3.4 for legends of the models.