Japan History Essay
Japan History Essay
After doing the readings and when assigned movies and documents, please join the conversation with the TeaMasters!
Remember we are all learning from one another, expand on the conversation, provide facts and links 🙂
Do not summarize readings here, the idea is to analyze them by discussing them.
**NOTE: when discussing documentaries, and movies look for elements that confirm or expand on the themes from the readings rather than merely pointing out the plot.**
More than just thinking about the plot, you need to look at every detail so that you can compare how characters dress, do elders and youth dress alike?
Consider the architecture, how are spaces designed, what spaces are occupied by whom?
Is there a difference between genders, authorities, young/elders or do they all occupy the same place? Who gets up first at the table, who serves?
Are characters taking turns to speak, which lines does each say, who has the last word, etc?
& finally… what does it all mean?
How do your observations relate to the content of the course?