Sunflower Catering
Sunflower Catering
Write up a paper of Sunflower Catering co owner Latoya Loving. the name of the person you will be working with and his/her background Legal structure of the company (what and why) LLC because I was new to business and in case it failed, I wanted to protect my personal assets. Primary products and/or services o*ered Catering service focusing on cakes and baked goods Years in business and years current entrepreneur has owned 2015 for both Financing used (original and ongoing) Personal savings and we use equity to continue to grow.I have two silent investors ready to invest when I open the store front. Budgeting process used We use intuit and old school excel The market area We market the DC, Maryland Virginia area Customer base We started with friends and family to provide word of mouth, large military customer base as well because we are veterans Routine advertising Social media is our primary mode to advertise, we followseveral pages such as “mom” pages and military pages Company assets (building, rolling stock, etc.) Only assets are baking and cooking equipment, total is less than $10k Inventory and inventory management I manage with an excel sheet focusing on depreciation and when supplies are low and need to reorder Management organization We are a 2 person team, I focus on nance and inventory and my partner focusing on advertisement. We both bake and cook Employees No permanent employees other than ourselves, we hire local high school and college students for big orders as needed Licenses required to operate We are requires to have food handling license and business license along with insuranceSkills needed by the owner/operatorSkills required are not required but highly recommended: culinary degree or background which we both have. We also do “CEUs” to continue to improve our skills. You tube is a free gold mine and practice makes perfect!