Entries by admin

Cost Reports/Analysis

Cost Reports/Analysis A full cost report for the project. Be sure to include a full BOM indicating what has been spent as well as what is anticipated to be spent. Some of you may have multiple bills of materials or project budgets to present. For example, industry teams should present their cost (what you have […]

Educational Powerpoint Presentation

Educational Powerpoint Presentation  Create an Educational PowerPoint Presentation  Objectives: Create and annotate (or narrate) a short educational Powerpoint presentation on a topic of your choosing about infant development. It can range in length from 3 minutes to a maximum of 6 minutes. The objectives are for it to be a) relevant to child development, b) educational […]

International Risk Management Paper

International Risk Management   Introduction  The assignment is divided into two tasks. The first focuses on the management of foreign exchange risk using both over-the-counter and exchange traded techniques. Task two is about managing interest rate risk using a swap agreement. Page 4 provides the financial market information necessary for undertaking the assignment tasks. Collectively the […]

Impact of COVID-9 on Financial Markets

Impact of COVID-9 on Financial Markets For the first time in modern history, the world is experiencing a health system crisis through the current coronavirus known as (COVID-19), which has put the international financial market and economy, like never before, under cut-throat pressures. In light of your understanding of accounting and finance, please discuss how […]

Work at Will Doctrine

Work at Will Doctrine  Select two cases to show how this law is interpreted and applied. Do an analysis of this law. Do you feel this law helps or hurts employee or employers. How would you change this law to make it better for the workforce. APA format and reference page.

Personal Statement for an Education Program

 Personal Statement for an Education Program, Instructions I need  an excellent personal statement. I am applying an educational masters program in high ranking university. It should be for an educational program. Use the details attached. Get me a good sample. I will edit some parts but you will  proofread. I want it by 31 August […]

Personal Statement: Nursing Care Program

Personal Statement: Nursing Care Program , Instructions Attached is CV and a sketch of my details. I want a personal statement for a nursing program. Focus on critical care nursing program. It is a masters program. Write 750-950 words. Deadline is 18 September, 2017. Thank you!  

Sickle Cell Anemia

1. A description of the health condition (what is it, what systems it primarily affects, etc.) a. Please choose appropriate sources for this information such as the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, the Mayo Clinic, and peer-reviewed medical and psychological journals 2. The population(s) affected by the health condition and […]

Staff Shortage: Understanding the Impact on the Nurse and Patient.

Staff Shortage: Understanding the Impact on the Nurse and Patient.   Define the issue. Include political, social, and economic background. Describe any associated ethical concerns. Explore possible options/alternatives for resolving the issue. Choose the option/alternative you consider to have the greatest impact on the profession of nursing. Give the rationale for your choice.