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Job Interview Tips for Interns

How to Ace an Interview: 5 Tips from a Harvard Career Advisor (Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHDrj0_bMQ0 7 body language tips to impress at your next job interview (Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCWVi5pAa30 Jobspeaker (YouTube channel) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZkjg1uSpR277PFYL9_JTBw How to Interview for a Job in American English (5 videos total) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBtMwyQFXwA GCF Online Tutorial (Online Lesson) – includes lessons on various topics: job […]

Laboratory Report Format for Engineering Students

Lab Report Format for Engineers and Engineering Students  1. Title Page: The title page should be specific and descriptive, but brief and clear. It should state the title, experiment number, the group members and the date submitted. The report should be addressed to the faculty member along with the course number and title. 2. Abstract […]

Leadership Theory (Reflection Paper)

Sample Reflection Paper Assignment  Instruction Final Paper The final assignment for this course is a Summary Project. The purpose of the Summary Project is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by describing your understanding and application of knowledge in the field of strategies of organizational leadership.  The Final Paper represents 20% of the […]

Above-average Returns in Organization

QUESTION : Examine your current organisation (or previously employed organisation) and answer the following question: What are your organisation’s above-average returns? Justify your answer. Guidelines given: Above-average returns represent returns that exceed the investors’ expectation to earn from other investments with similar level of risks. These risks refer to an investor’s uncertainty about economic gains […]

Performance and Quality Evaluation and Improvement

Quality Improvement in Health Care Facility  Performance and Quality Evaluation and Improvement  in Health Information Department  Write a report about  “Performance and Quality Evaluation and Improvement” in an organization of your choice (1,600 words). Team to draft report Reporting Mechanisms Reporting Findings Accuracy Rates Expected Proposed Solutions Monitoring Performance Frequency of Monitoring Frequency of reporting […]

Corporate Team Building Assignment

Corporate Team Building Project Guidelines The assignment will include both a written and oral component. A copy of the PowerPoint or Prezi slides and the written paper will be turned in at the time of the presentation. Your group has been hired as a team building consultant by the CEO, of a company. You will […]

Going Global in Business (Market Entry and Cultural Challenges)

Going Global in Business (Market Entry and Cultural Challenges) The task The task is to write a 3,000 word report (+/- 10%) on an existing organisation, the scenario is that this organisation plans to enter a new market where it has little or no presence currently, and which is significantly different culturally from the home nation. […]

Case Memo for Starbucks

Case Memo Instructions The short memo is one of the ways that people in corporations communicate with one another. The ability to make a persuasive argument in a single page is a very important skill and is one of the things we will work on in this class. The focus of these memos, and this […]