Entries by admin

Organizational Change in a Real Organization

Instructions For this assignment, complete the following steps: 1. Identify, locate, and synthesize reputable literature sources that describe an implemented, emergent, or managed change within a real world organization. This is an organization that currently exists in the literature (For example: Kodak). It should not be your own organization. 2. Use this synthesized literature to create […]

Engineering Ethics & Professionalism

Instructions Part 1.  [7 pts]  Learning professional views of ethical behavior. Visit the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) website. http://www.asce.org/code-of-ethics/ Read the code of ethics.   Summarize each of the seven Fundamental Canons, in your own words Part 2. [32 pts] Go to each of the following two cases on the Ethics Center for Engineering and […]

Customer Relationship Management Assessment

Instructions For this assignment, you will need to identify a food or beverage retailer in the area that has a customer loyalty program.  Your write-up should be 4 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point-font. In-Store Customer Relationship Management Assessment How does your retailer implement a customer relationship management program? What was the level of customer service?  […]

Book Review/Reflection Paper

1. write a 7-page-reflection on the book “Ishmael”. 2. essay should reflect in-depth thinking regarding sustainability and environmental concerns after reading the book. For example, you can talk about you feel depressed that we live in a system where waste and unsustainable consumption are inevitable (i.e. I still have to eat and unfortunately most of […]

Information Systems Engineering

Instructions Develop an E-R model to organize the following data of pharmacies including pharmacyID, name, address, phone number, medicine inventory (including medicineID, medicine name, medicine description, unit price, current inventory level, and minimum inventory level).

Information Systems Engineering

1. The following E-R model describes data about customers. Common data for all customers are ID, Name, Address, and Contact including Phone and Emai. Special data for online customers are LoginName and Password. (a) Perform specialization to the E-R model to produce an E-R model with the superclass entity, Customer, and a subclass entity, OnlineCustomer. […]

Capstone Project (Criminal Justice)

The Project divided into five sections. 1 introduction 2 Methods/statistics 3 criminological theories 4 criminal justice system 5 conclusion. Parts 2-4 are to have a minimum of 3 empirical articles, 1 qualitative. 1 quantitative, 1 mixed or 2 quan 1 qual or 2 qual 1 quan.