Entries by admin

Locating the Epicenter of an Earthquake

Instructions  You will locate the epicenter of an earthquake, make a decision based on risk, and investigate a historical earthquake. You will need to use the desktop version of Google Earth, which can be downloaded at https://www.google.com/earth/versions/. ALSO INSTRUCTIONS IN WORD DOC AS WELL. Assignment Rules: Values in tables do not need to be in […]

Research on Immigration Policy

America was founded on the idea that we are a country that is supposed to welcome immigrants, since we were founded by immigrants and immigration has always been a huge part of our national growth. The poem on the Statue of Liberty expresses how many have felt about immigration to the US in the past, […]

Evidence-Based Practice and Evaluation of the Project Through Measurable Goals

Practicum Discussion Discussion  to incorporate all of the information you have gathered from the community—including the population itself, health data, interviews/conversations with interested community members, and your community assessment, including your Windshield Survey—as well as what you have gathered from scholarly literature to propose measurable interventions. Measurable interventions mean that the results can be measured […]

Article Critique Assignment

Instructions  The purpose of the article critique assignment is to strengthen your skills at critically assessing the literature. An assigned article will be given, and students will provide a 1-2 page single-spaced critique of the article. Two article critique assignments will be given during the semester. Questions are listed below each section to guide your critiques (you […]

Oil and Gas Law (Saudi Arabia)

In advising an International Oil Company (IOC) to obtain the right to explore and exploit the oil and gas resources in Saudi Arabia can you identify and comment on 3 issues that you would include in the arrangement/contract/licence to be concluded with the government (refer to a practical example).

Oil and Gas Law (Qatar)

In advising an International Oil Company (IOC) to obtain the right to explore and exploit the oil and gas resources in Qatar can you identify and comment on 3 issues that you would include in the arrangement/contract/licence to be concluded with the government (refer to a practical example).

Oil and Gas Law (Kuwait)

In advising an International Oil Company (IOC) to obtain the right to explore and exploit the oil and gas resources in Kuwait can you identify and comment on 3 issues that you would include in the arrangement/contract/licence to be concluded with the government (refer to a practical example).

Learning Theories and Leadership Principles

Paper will be 15 – 20 double spaced pages on adult learning theories and leadership principles surrounding a leadership initiative within the student’s home institution or in an educational setting. Chapter I. Introduction This is where you present a purpose, roadmap and short summary on the importance of your select topic and a short summary of […]