Entries by admin

Decoding the DNA: Toyota Production Systems

Assignment questions Case Study: “CASE: Decoding the DNA: Toyota Production Systems” Read the case: “CASE: Decoding the DNA: Toyota Production Systems” and answer the following questions: Using the information provided in the case and your knowledge, prepare a short description of Toyota successful approach of operations management (Underline the features and/or the characteristics that made the […]

Elderly Adult Assessment And EBP Interventions

Eliopoulos, C. (2018). Gerontological nursing (9th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams, Eliopoulos, C. (2018). Gerontological nursing (9th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins. Provides a narrative addressing all required components. Provides methods to assess pain. Demonstrates research of subject and new information/methods specific to geriatric client. Includes dementia and cognitive impairment assessment Thoroughly describes […]

Promoting Culturally Sensitive Health Care

Strategies that Promote Culturally Sensitive Health Care Strategies that Promote Culturally Sensitive Health Care Objectives • Recommend interprofessional strategies to promote culturally sensitive health care Assignment Overview In this writing assignment, you will write a paper that addresses recommended changes for the future of nursing, specifically addressing the inclusion of cultural sensitivity, cultural competency, and […]

Becoming Locally Responsive

HRM Becoming Locally Responsive International companies promote localizations to increase the organizational responsiveness to issues. Read Pritchett’s “A Review of Edward Luce’s ‘In Spite of the Gods: The Strange Rise of Modern India’” (attached) about the issues and problems companies face in relation to the social, religious, and caste systems of India (2009). With this […]

Achieving Global Integration

Global integration is about alignment on an international basis. To accomplish this, many businesses use expatriate staffing—sending staff from the parent company (in this case, the United States) to work in the host company (in this case, India). However, many issues surround this practice. For this discussion, you will analyze the expatriation process and debate […]

Utilitarianism by J.S. Mill

For this first writing assignment the students will write one 1000-1200 word analytical précis on the Utilitarian ethics of Mill. This précis will allow the students to demonstrate their mastery of the theory presented by Mill, and their writing skills. 20% overage is assumed possible. The students are to limit themselves to the textbook provided […]

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

Assignment Prompt Explore the influence of Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring on your future role as an APN. The student will explore the concepts and caritas processes from the Theory of Human Caring and present how these concepts may impact their future APN role. Directions: The student will create a PowerPoint and include speaker […]

Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) Advocacy

Advocacy is a critical skill for APNs to have for promoting solutions to health concerns within a community. Identify a health issue in your community or state. Discussion a systems-level advocacy strategy to address the concern. In the strategy, students should identify specific groups or individuals that they would target as well as how they […]

Holistic Care in Advanced Practice Nursing

Holistic care refers to approaches and interventions that address the needs of the whole person: body, mind, emotion, and spirit. Consider the following case study: You are caring for a first-time mother in a health clinic. While assessing the woman, you notice she is becoming visibly upset. When you ask, she notes that her mother, […]