Entries by admin

Reuse Redesign and Recycled Denim (Literature Review)

10 different Articles about out how to reduce waste in the apparel textile industry. Focusing mainly on denim. How we can reuse denim for other project and recycling it instead of sending it to the landfills. Searching though scholarly articles and journals written about sustainability and reusing denim for other projects. Summarize the articles to […]

Government role in US Healthcare Decisions

The Role of the Government in US Health Care Decisions – Is Health Care in the US a Right or a Privilege? What is the Proper Role of Government in Health Care with Justification? How the Selected Issue is Impacting Health Care Delivery? Should this Issue be Addressed by the Government or Private Entities?

Risk Management (Article Review)

Select an article on project risk management (written within the last 3 years) – be sure to use an academic resource for your article (i.e. Snell library site) or a credible public facing site (i.e. PMI). Summarize the project risk management learning gained through reading your article. Also, post your article for others to refer […]

Big 5 Personality Self Assessment

1. Complete the Big 5 Personality Self Assessment provided at this link: https://www.outofservice.com/bigfive/ ( just help me finish this report anyway) 2. After completing the assessment, the system automatically provides you a detailed results report. Read this report closely. 3. DELIVERABLE: Submit two paragraphs describing what you learned about yourself from this assessment. Specifically, indicate […]

Leadership Development (case study)

Read and analyze the assigned HBR Case Study: Idalene F. Kesner, Leadership Development: Perk or Priority. You will need to read this multiple times to understand the facts very well and be able to write the memorandum required. Write a memorandum from Karen Barton to Dave Palmer that convinces Dave Palmer to restore Karen Barton’s […]

Nurse Professional Association Membership

Examine the importance of professional associations in nursing. Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to your specialty area, or a specialty area in which you are interested. In a 750-1,000 word paper, provide a detailed overview the organization and its advantages for members. Include the following: Describe the organization and its significance to nurses […]

Healthcare Leadership Issue

Select a healthcare leadership issue listed in the weekly module. Please explain why you selected this topic, the limitations of your research, advantages/disadvantages of the topic you researched. Complete an annotated bibliography that addresses the topic of choice. The annotated bibliography must include 10 references (webinar, journal article, and text book must be included in […]

Human Relations Challenge: Forces Influencing Workplace Behavior

Journal (60 points total) 1. 20 points Respond to question 2a) on Page 19 of your textbook (Chapter 1, Try Your Hand section) as fully as possible. Use the question as your subject header and relate your response to the course content, giving an example from your current or prospective industry. 2. 40 points Founder […]

Descartes Propositions

Descartes thinks that only propositions that are beyond all doubt can be considered knowledge. Do you agree with this? What sorts of thing(s) might we know beyond all possible doubt? What sort of thing(s) might we know despite having doubts? Explain.