Entries by admin

Lab Report Review

Review of Methods Briefly comment on whether the report author has written this section to someone familiar with the field, adequately described the experiments and samples, referenced published methods with changes noted, etc. A sentence or two should suffice. Review of Results Review should include consideration of all items listed in the “Results” guidelines. Identify […]

Stress Screening test and Relaxation Modules

There are two assignments for the course: Assignment 1: Read the posted file on Stress Screening test. Write a 200 word synopsis of your results in each column. Please note that you cannot write into a document. You will need to submit entry file on canvas after you complete your screening test results. 8 points Assignment […]

Business Ethics Case study

Assignment 1: – Ethics Essay This assignment is 15% of your grade. This is an Essay with a 1500 wordcount limit. Please read the following Situation and then consider the accompanying questions from a Business Ethics perspective in your response. Please note that there is no right or wrong answer. We are looking for your […]