Entries by admin

Metallurgy Report

Choose a metal in the periodic table that is commonly used in the industry. In 12-15 pages: Explain details about the properties of the metal, how it is recovered from ore, where it is used, why it is industrially important, etc. The topical metal report is where you spend most of the time writing about […]

Workplace safety

Prepare a paper in which you describe how workplace safety audit is carried out. Your paper should be at least 12 pages long.

Leadership and Innovation Culture

Choose a current famous leader and discuss how he has applied his leadership skills to promote innovation in his organization. You are encouraged to explore deep in this paper to include aspects of leadership styles, team dynamics, change management, and so forth. Word limit is 3,500 words. Format your paper in APA style. Cite at […]

Business Ethics

In the attached case study, use  ethical theories ( utilitarianism, Kantian deontological theory, and virtue ethics). Format your paper in APA style and cite 5 sources. Length of the paper to be at least 8 pages.