Entries by Bernard

How to reduce obesity in the US

How to reduce obesity in the US 1. Select FREE website tool (wix, wordpress, google, etc.) 2. Design Launch Page with graphics and messaging 3. Create tool bar with links to: a. Issue b. Research c. Policy Champions d. Stakeholders e. Advocacy Tools i. Fact Sheet ii. Bus Stop Speech (recorded) iii. Media Release iv. […]

Factors determine and intervene in foreign exchange rates

What factors determine and intervene in foreign exchange rates? Explain your arguments by providing relevant theoretical / empirical literature and use relevant data. Format of the assignment: 1) Title. 2) Abstract: A summary of assignment not more than 120 words. 3) Introduction/Background: In this section, you need to provide the relevant background to the topic […]

Why Do Some Managers Hate the Performance Evaluation?

Why Do Some Managers Hate the Performance Evaluation? Some managers would rather get a root canal than go through the performance evaluation process with their direct reports. Why? What does research tell you? As you respond to the two questions listed above, please address the following: What traits does an effective manager display in the […]

Statement of Purpose for College Admission Essay

Statement of Purpose for College Admission Essay Statement of Purpose You will be asked to upload a document containing a two- to three-page (single-spaced, 12-point font or equivalent) statement outlining your career objectives, reasons for choosing to undertake doctoral study in the built environment and what you expect from the program. The admissions committee uses […]

Applied philosophy essays

Applied philosophy essays There will be 4 parts to the paper, each 500 words (or more if needed). Part 1 – Discuss the theories in the first part of the chapter. This is the section called “Issues.” Compare and contrast them. Describe strengths and weaknesses in each theory. Part 2 – Select 1-3 of the […]

Impacts on healthcare management

Impacts on healthcare management Expand on how one of the following issues from the above article impacts healthcare management: DIY healthcare, budgetary constraints while providing quality care, technology/pharma/biotech intersection with the patient population, or diversity imperative. Show evidence of knowledge obtained from the textbook, discussions, and supportive materials this semester. Please submit a final paper […]