Entries by Bernard

Textual Analysis Essay. 750 Words. URGENT!

Textual Analysis Assignment & Instructions I. Instructions & Requirements A. Assignment: Find a persuasive article on an important contemporary topic in one of the following ACC library databases: CQ Researcher, Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints, TOPICsearch, or JSTOR. Write an essay of at least 750 words in which you analyze the article’s main ideas and […]

Political Science Required Reading Commentaries

Your commentaries should meet three goals: 1) give a summary of the key point(s) made in the course reading you are writing about based on your understanding; 2) provide some examples of the evidence used in the reading (possibly including direct quotes) to show how the author supports the key point(s); 3) devote at least […]

National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenges

ONE An introduction to the course and an overview of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenges. Syllabus Review Read: NAEGCR, pages 1 – 6 Department/Major: Overview Watch: Development of the Grand Challenges Watch: Global Grand Challenges Summit 2013 Opener Watch: Introduction to the 14 Grand Challenges – 2010 Grand Challenges Summit – Raleigh, NC [end at 19:50] – Marshall […]

DSS and statistical models

Q1) ABC chocolate manufacturing company needs to decide on how many chocolate bars should they produce each month to maximize the company profit. ABC consider two types of chocolate bar ‘dark’ and ‘salted caramel’. Dark chocolate bar required $20 of raw ingredients and take 2 day to make and salted caramel chocolate bar required $30 […]

Punishment V. Rehabilitation In Corrections – Research Paper

Punishment V. Rehabilitation In Corrections – Research Paper complete a research paper on the topic of punishment versus rehabilitation in corrections.  This paper will discuss how the field of corrections approaches punishing and rehabilitating convicted offenders, both during incarceration and after release to probation or parole.  Advantages and disadvantages of both approaches should be examined, […]

Informative Speech Outline

Informative Presentation Delivery Outline Header Speech Title: Audience: General Purpose/Speech Type:  Specific Purpose Statement: Thesis Statement or Central Idea:   Introduction – Greeting and Attention Getting Device   Establish speaker-audience-topic connection/ WIIFT?/ Motivate audience to listen. Reveal your topic – tell the audience what your speech is about.   Establish credibility/Ethos   Establish your goodwill? […]

Food For The Ancestors

Food For The Ancestors 1) Shortly explain the days of the dead. What is unique about it? 2) Considering the special foods prepared for that day, can you find out where they are originating? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sSawpU81cI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FHrhH9k-PY

Article Synthesis

Week 5 – Article Synthesis A research paper describes original research that has been conducted in the study (i.e., the researchers are publishing their findings for the first time). For this project, you will be critiquing an original research article that utilizes behavioral ideas (e.g., treatment of autism with behavioral techniques, exposure therapy for social […]

Treatment for Vivax strain of malaria

Scientists in Australia discover treatment for Vivax strain of malaria found in Asia Pacific region. The new treatment also protects against re-infection. 1. Which Public Health Core Function is addressed by the health-related event or service described in scenario 1? Assessment Policy Development Assurance 2.Identify a specific Public Health Essential Service that was (or will […]

Public Health Core Functions, Ten Essential Services, And Health Educator Areas Of Responsibility

Public Health Core Functions, Ten Essential Services and Health Educator Areas of Responsibility    Instructions For this Assignment, review the module’s Learning Resources related to the Public Health Core Functions and Ten Essential Services and to the Health Educator Areas of Responsibility. Then, complete both Part I and Part II of this assignment. Part I […]