Entries by Bernard

Managing Communications at Domino’s

Managing Communications at Domino’s  Topic: Please read “Case Application 2: Delivery Disaster” on page 478 of your text and answer the following: Beyond it being vulgar and disgusting, what do you think of this situation from the perspective of managing communications? Why do you think Domino’s executives took a wait-and-see attitude? Why was this response […]

Doctoral Nursing Program. Political Competency Development Plan

Doctoral Nursing Program. Political Competency Development Plan Purpose The purpose of the political competency development plan is the opportunity to reflect upon and translate skills that have been acquired through education, professional nursing experience, and life experiences into political action to improve healthcare outcomes. This development plan should focus on areas of strength and opportunities […]

Human Resources/Human Capital Metrics. 

Human Resources/Human Capital Metrics.  Objectives To complete a comprehensive and current search of relevant articles, books, and other sources related to the subject of human resources/human capital metrics. Guidelines The directional shift in human resource management is to the increased reliance on quantitative measures versus intuitive decisions based on aspiration.  Human capital metrics (also known as predictive […]

Fear Expressed by the Bystander Effect in Helping Behavior

Fear Expressed by the Bystander Effect in Helping Behavior OUTLINE FOR RESEARCH PROPOSAL INTRODUCTION (provide a broad yet meaningful of the subject matter under investigation) RESEARCH QUESTIONS (between 3-5 only and should correspond with chapters) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES and Statement of Problems LITERATURE REVIEW (Should be fairly extensive and cover the major as wellas most recent […]

Wonderful Company, LLC

Wonderful Company, LLC Your project should elucidate the corporate strategy of that selected conglomerate and also make recommendations as to how they might restructure the organization (ie. create a new corporate strategy) to take advantage of better financial or strategic fit- or greater synergies. Explore a variety of the elements of corporate strategy covered in […]

Drones and Drone Policies

Use of Drones and Drone Policies  At least four sources with corresponding citations The New York Times has recently reported that ex-President Obama has authorized the use of drones in targeted attacks against those suspected of being enemy combatants, including at least one American citizen. According to the Times, one of the leading architects of […]

Planning, Organizing, Leading and Control (Applied Assignment)

Planning, Organizing, Leading and Control (Applied Assignment)   Course Project Part 5: Controlling You.com  Remember: The project requires you to think of yourself as a private business (YOU.com) for which you are responsible as the owner/manager. Academic Objectives Use the balanced scorecard to assess performance Excellence System Objectives To develop DU Excellence System competencies Critical and […]

Clinical Assessment Psychology WISC-V

Clinical Assessment Psychology WISC-V Clinical Assessment Assignment – Child Version (10 grade points) In response to the questions below, please write at least 1600 words, to complete the enclosed psychological report. 1. In the assigned place in the table, write three paragraphs (at least 400 words) interpreting Lama’s performance on the WISC-V (50 points). Use […]