Entries by Bernard

Nurse Interview Assignment

Nurse Interview Assignment One of the best ways to learn about a subject is to discuss it with those who work in the industry. You can learn first-hand the real-world pros and cons of EHR security issues. For this assignment, you will conduct an interview and write a paper based on the information you get […]

Correctional Facilities and Punishment Philosophy

Correctional Facilities and Punishment Philosophy  For this discussion forum, you will need to take some additional time to research and compare correctional facilities and present your findings in the context of punishment philosophy (deterrence, rehabilitation, incapacitation, and retribution). To begin, use an Internet search engine to locate a documentary video or article about a prison […]

Correctional Facilities: Prison Institutions

Correctional Facilities: Prison Institutions  For this week’s assignment, you will write about prison institutions at each of the three levels of the criminal justice system near your hometown or community: Local jails or correctional facilities, State Prisons and facilities, and Federal Penitentiary and related facilities Describe each facility (local, state, and federal) in detail and […]

Global Business Strategy Paper

Global Business Strategy Paper Assessment Regulations ·         Your student number must appear on all pages.·         Pages must be numbered. ·         Work should be submitted to the requested link available on Moodle. ·         You are required to add the following declaration on page 2 of their assignment: “I ………… [name] declare that I am the sole […]

Physician Assisted Suicide (Argumentative Essay)

Physician Assisted Suicide (Argumentative Essay) Construct a strong argument defending how physician assisted suicide is not ethical in regards to bioethics. (1) Give a strong argument defending your position. (2) (a) Find an article written by a philosopher who gives an argument against your position. (b) Summarize this argument. (3) Defend your position against this […]

Research Design Paper. Writing a Research Design.

Research Design Paper. Writing a Research Design.   Research methodology; participant/sample selection; research instrument and consent form; data collection procedures). Write a two-page description of your research design. 1. State the purpose of your study and describe the type of study you plan to conduct 2. Describe the research participants (sample) and sampling method you will […]

Research Design Paper. Writing a Research Design.

Research Design Paper. Writing a Research Design.   Research methodology; participant/sample selection; research instrument and consent form; data collection procedures). Write a two-page description of your research design. 1. State the purpose of your study and describe the type of study you plan to conduct 2. Describe the research participants (sample) and sampling method you will […]

Supply Chain Management Paper

Supply Chain Management Paper In this project you will discuss the operations management of a large company. Your discussion must be specific and refer to one product/service throughout most of the project. Read the instructions carefully. Do not just put generic theory; the discussion must be specific, you must apply the theory and use the […]

Strategic Issues in HRM

Strategic Issues in HRM Task 1 (5,000 words) Please select a multinational organisation of your choice. Imagine you are the HR Director in this company and you have been asked to prepare a report by the board of directors exploring the following two areas: Question 1 Critically analyse three key demographic changes that have occurred […]

Hospital Merger and Culture Considerations

Hospital Merger and Culture Considerations  Review the scenario outlined in the Week Two assignment, Hospital Merger and Culture Considerations: Part I. Evaluate the solutions your team proposed in Week Two to address the challenges that could arise during a hospital merger, and work together to create a communication strategy to implement your solutions. Create a […]