Entries by Bernard

Discuss four management development methods

List and briefly discuss four management development methods. Coaching- this is generally seen as a popular method since it can also help new employees learn how things are done, techniques they may need for their positions. Job Rotations- Is an good way to help potential long term workers develop new skills and mindsets by having […]

Accounting Information Systems Investigation

Accounting Information Systems Investigation Learning Objectives: Familiarize the student real world application of accounting information systems Allow student to interact with business professionals (experiential learning) Document accounting information systems ____________________________________________________________________________ Assignment:  Identify a service, manufacturing or retail company that interests you or where you have a connection.  The size of the company or if it […]

Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline

This assignment covers the content in Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline. In this assignment, you must pick a case study from the end of the book (Section C), describe the case, and then apply the disciplines taught to the case. Assignment 7 Questions: What are the main themes of The Fifth Discipline? Describe and explain each discipline. […]

Strategies for Teaching Children with Special Needs

Watch the webinar: Individualization: Strategies for Teaching Children with Special Needs · https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/individualization-strategies-teaching-children-special-needs In a written reflection describe the 8 types of curriculum modifications mentioned in the video and provide examples for each type. Your reflection needs to be written in paragraph form with an introduction and conclusion. Each modification needs to be discussed in a […]

Request To Enhance My Assignment And Remove Plagiarism

I would like to Request to enhance my assignment and remove plagiarism as the assessor have identified areas of plagiarism in my assignment and i want them to be removed. attached: my assignment, assessor feedback and comment, assignment question, guidance to write correct assignment, points to be included in the assignment.

Hiring a Minority Recruitment Director

Instructions Hiring a Minority Recruitment Director (15 pts): Congratulations! You have been hired as Human Resources Director! One of your first critical tasks is to work with the HR staff to hire a Minority Recruitment Director. Lucky for you, you studied this exact thing when you were in college so you are up for the […]

Review The Berman And Bowman (2019) Article

To prepare for this Discussion: Review the Berman and Bowman (2019) article (located in this week’s Learning Resources) and review some of the websites on societal trends listed in the Optional Resources. Reflect on how societal trends influence health policy and advocacy work. View the media “Priorities and Resources in Public Health.” Research societal trends that […]

Effectiveness of the Law

Instructions Effectiveness of the Law Supporting Lectures: Classical Criminology Punishment Case study: Florida’s “10-20-Life” Law Your state officials are considering ways to deter gun violence. The governor has hired you to provide an analysis of Florida’s 10-20-Life law. Your task is to produce a PowerPoint presentation of 10-12 slides that will provide lawmakers and the […]

Security And Ethics

The Cruisin’ Fusion taco trucks are gaining popularity, fueling a demand for an order-ahead option on the website. After careful consideration, the team has decided to add shopping cart software to the Cruisin’ Fusion website to meet this demand. Research various shopping cart software to determine the best choice for website. Write a 1- to 2-page blog […]

Accounting Information Systems Investigation

Accounting Information Systems Investigation Learning Objectives: Familiarize the student real world application of accounting information systems Allow student to interact with business professionals (experiential learning) Document accounting information systems ____________________________________________________________________________ Assignment:  Identify a service, manufacturing or retail company that interests you or where you have a connection.  The size of the company or if it […]