Entries by Bernard

Circular Motion Lab (Lab Report)

Circular Motion Lab (Lab Report) Circular Motion Lab Experiment with changing location of the ladybug and beetle on the wheel. Watch the angular velocity. What do you think angular velocity is? How does position relative to the center of the wheel affect the angular velocity? Experiment with changing the location of the ladybug and beetle […]

Discussion about Cultural Health and Awareness. Cultural Competence.

INSTRUCTIONS Assigned Readings and Media Must read and watch all of the following Edberg, M. (2013).  Essentials of health, culture and diversity: Understanding people, reducing disparities.  In R. Riegelman (Ed.) Essential Public Health series.  Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Chapter 12 (pp. 159-162; stop at the section about the Kleinman/Benson Person-Centered Approach to Cultural Competence.) Must […]

Strategic HR initiatives

Behavioral Competencies: Please determine strategic HR initiatives that support people, organization, and workplace under the technical competency while selecting the most appropriate behavioral competencies. You must select at least one behavioral competency in addressing each domain (i.e., business, leadership, or interpersonal). *A. Determine HR initiatives that support the people technical competency and explain which behavioral competencies […]

Marketing Plan Under Armour

Marketing Plan Under Armour Create an APA style formatted Word document that includes at least 3 references outside of the course text and contains paragraphs that cover the topics below. The length of your marketing plan will vary based on your degree of succinctness. Most documents fall between 9-13 double spaced pages. For more details, […]

The role of political parties in the 2020 presidential election.

The role of political parties in the 2020 presidential election. Looking at the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination contest in the 2020 election cycle, rigorously research and analyze the role of the political party in the invisible primary (endorsements, campaign resources, media attention, etc.). How, and to what extent, did the various leaders, activists, and interest […]