Entries by Bernard

Problem and Organization Working Cross-Functionally to Solve

Problem and Organization working cross functionally to solve- You are an Engineering Department Director (Braking Systems) in a major aircraft components company. They just found out that a major component in their front (nose) landing gear product was defective. Due to your knowledge of the company and working there for 15 years, the Vice-President of […]

Group Business Plan

The course assessment has two elements: the submission of a Group Business Plan and an Individual Report. 1. Group Business Plan This assessment requires you to work in groups and submit a group business plan. The allocation of students into groups will take place during the early part of Term 1. Students will be able […]

Health Management Information System assignment

Instructions Imagine you have you have been hired as CIO (Chief Information officer) by a large healthcare facility and charged with the implementation of Health Management Information System that should cater to the 21st Century clinical, administrative and financial needs of the facility. Please review your assignments below and write a report for the Board […]

Deceptive Advertising (Case of The Pizza Puzzle)

George Hansen, General Manager of Augusta Marigold Inn, a Subsidiary of Hospitality Enterprises Sharon Coombs, Food Services Manager, Augusta Marigold Inn George Hansen is General Manager for the Marigold Inn in Augusta, Georgia. Sharon Coombs is Restaurant and Food Services Manager for the Inn. She reports to George. Two years ago, Sharon noticed a decline […]

Designing Code of Conduct

Instruction  You will act as if you have been hired as consultants to help the University Human Resources department by creating a Code of Conduct to include in their employee ethics training and in the Employee Handbook. Familiarize yourself with all parts and types of Codes of Conduct, and reflect on what makes the most […]

Voices from the Field (pages 109–121)

Please read Chapter 5 in the Voices from the Field text, pages 109–121. Once you read this particular study, please address the following in a 2-page paper: Which questions are close-ended and which are open-ended? What changes, if any, would you suggest are needed? Explain your answer. What types of validity is this survey instrument […]

Fictional Ethical Scenario (Medical Case Study)

Instructions Produce a (750 word) case study describing and highlighting an ethical concern. The case study itself will be an act of fictional writing. consider the various elements of a case study and discuss actively a fictional ethical scenario and the complexities it can present. The assignment includes two parts: A. The first part (250 […]

Larry Tye’s The Father of Spin and the film Century of the Self

Please answer the questions in a legible and organized manner. 1. Based on Larry Tye’s The Father of Spin and the film Century of the Self describe Edward Bernays’ significance for public relations. What were some of the campaigns he promoted and what strategies did he use? What were the ethical problems with his approach? […]

Enron Scandal and Special Purpose Entities (SPEs)

Enron Scandal and Special Purpose Entities (SPEs), Discussion   Discuss how Enron used SPE’s to hide debt and associated risks from investors. Discuss how Enron used “Mark to Market” accounting to overstate the value of their investments. Discuss how stock options played a part in the Enron fraud.