Entries by Bernard

Management Decision Problem

Chapter 13. Management Decision Problem (13-9). located in your course text. Read the business scenario and provide a response to: Diagram (List the steps) of the existing process. What is the impact of the existing process on Sear’s operational efficiency and customer relationships? What changes could be made to make this process more efficient? How […]

Urban Infrastructure Law

Paper Instructions: The first paper (10 pages) – Theme foundation topic related to an area of urban infrastructure. Examples of Urban Infrastructure that can be use: o Environmental Infrastructure – water and wastewater, waste disposal o Transportation Infrastructure – including all forms, from walkways to highways to transit to ports to airports o Community Infrastructure […]

Interpersonal Conflict in Television or Film

Television options (each show has no charge and has closed captioning): Black-ish (Links to an external site.) Modern Family (Links to an external site.) This Is Us (Links to an external site.) Film options: Frozen Erin Brockovich If you have problems accessing any of this content, contact your instructor immediately. In this assignment, you will […]

Romantic Relationships (Communications Paper)

Behaviors in specific communicative situations. Instructions: Answer the following questions using your textbook. Please write out all of your answers in your own words and in full sentences (no lists or bullet points). Story 21 – “Unilateral Union: Obsessive Relational Intrusion and Stalking in a Romantic Context” In our story, we are given both sides of a […]

Effects of Nicotine on Cilia of Tetrahymena Cells (Lab Report)

Dye-feeding assay of Tetrahymena, for studying the effects of cigarette smoke and E-cigarette liquid components on ciliary activity Adapted from: Phagocytosis in Tetrahymena as an Experimental System to Study the Toxic Effects of Cigarette Smoke. Kenyon College, Biol 09; Smith, J.J., Wiley, E., Cassidy-Hanley, D.M. 2012. Tetrahymena in the Classroom. Methods in Cell Biology; Bozzone, D.M. and Martin, […]

Engineering Research Project (Writing a Dissertation)

How to Write a Dissertation: Structure Abstract – single page – 200-300 words ØSummarises the main points of the dissertation, including its conclusions and findings ØShould be written impersonally, concisely and be intelligible to non-experts who may be reading it out of context. Øshould be informative and tell the reader what the research is about, how it […]