Entries by Bernard

Investigation into Thermal Damage during the Grinding Process.

An Investigation into Thermal Damage during the Grinding Process Introduction One of the main limitations to increasing the removal rates during the grinding process is thermal damage to the workpiece. In severe cases thermal damage is evidenced by the appearance of temper colours on the surface. This condition is known as ‘burn’. With the occurrence […]

Recruitment Exercise

Instructions See attachment below. This exercise aims to present you with a situation you might reasonably encounter as an HR professional designing a recruitment exercise in the public sector; the objective is to develop the ability to minimize the risk of litigation arising from a recruitment exercise that produces “adverse impact” and/or to be able […]

Psychological Disorder Paper

Outline for the paper. The paper will focus on a disorder that we will be studying in class.  APA style must be used for the paper, i.e. for the cover page, margins, spacing, and references.  The paper can be conceptualized as being in two parts, a factual portion, and a second part that is more […]