Black Lives Matter

Consider Ruskin’s position that saying the names of racially motivated homicide victims, “is both the privilege and duty of artists like Byrne…”  Then, answer the following question based on your experience and critical thinking:
Is the act of “saying their names” essential in order to come to an understanding of the devaluation of black lives in the U.S.? Why or why not?
Remember that this is an argument, not an exploratory or informative essay. The basic rule is that your audience is at least as familiar with any text and with history as you are: never summarize. This means, for example, there’s no need to state that racism is wrong or to prove that it exists. Critical thought means moving beyond the obvious. Be sure you are directly addressing the question of the prompt. Note, for example, that the prompt does not ask whether racism exists or if it is a bad thing. Speak directly to the question of the prompt. We are talking about this method, this use of language. This is the work. A workable topic must be debatable, researchable, and of some general relevance.
You are not required to find outside sources for this essay. Introduce your topic clearly in the opening paragraph and offer a clear, argumentative thesis at the end of your opening paragraph. Your deduction, that is, your opinion, is the THESIS STATEMENT.
Structurally, your paper should have an introductory paragraph that concludes with a thesis statement – the assertion of the point of your paper. The body of the paper should consist of a close, careful discussion of selections from Ruskin’s article that you briefly quote and then analyze to show how they support, or even disagree with, your assertion. The concluding paragraph should bring together all the points made in the body of the paper and offer a reassertion of the thesis statement.
Double-space (MLA formatting guidelines.) Include your name on the first page and include a worthwhile and original title. Include proper MLA citations when necessary. The final submission should be approximately 1,000 words (or 2-3 standard pages).
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