Personality Research Paper – Depression

In 2,500-3,000-words develop a position paper in which you:

  1. Relate your chosen topic to personality development
  2. You must have a well-developed thesis and strong argumentation to support your thesis.
  3. Your paper should be steeped in research with little filler or non-supported conclusions.
  4. Use of first person is NOT allowed.
  5. Your paper must conform to APA writing standards including the use of APA formatted in-text citations from research and credible sources on the Internet to support your position.
  6. Your paper must include 8-10 scholarly sources. Your text,, and Wikipedia are not considered scholarly sources.
  7. An abstract is required.
  8. Double spacing
  9. Include in text citations.

The topic is Depression and how it affects the personality.
Use of psychologists theories such as Freud, Jung, Adler, and others as well need to be in the paper.

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