Significance of the Lincoln-Douglas debates

GED203-Early United State History
Examine the significance of the Lincoln-Douglas debates.

Text: Murrin, J.M. et al. (2019). Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People. Cengage.

In what ways did American colonists attempt to imitate British society in the 18th century?

GED203- Early United State History
In what ways did American colonists attempt to imitate British society in the 18th century?

Text: Murrin, J.M. et al. (2019). Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People. Cengage.

Principal reforms of the national government during Thomas Jefferson’s administration

GED203-Early United State History
What were the principal reforms of the national government during Thomas Jefferson’s administration?

Text: Murrin, J.M. et al. (2019). Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People. Cengage.

What helped democratize American culture early on?

GED203-Early United State History
What helped democratize American culture early on?

Text: Murrin, J.M. et al. (2019). Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People. Cengage.

Statement of Purpose for College Admission Essay

Statement of Purpose for College Admission Essay

Statement of Purpose
You will be asked to upload a document containing a two- to three-page (single-spaced, 12-point font or equivalent) statement outlining your career objectives, reasons for choosing to undertake doctoral study in the built environment and what you expect from the program. The admissions committee uses this statement to understand your personal goals and desires with respect to the field. It is important to outline clearly your research objectives and focus. You are encouraged to prepare this document very carefully. This document should address the following items:

1:  A brief overview of your academic and professional background, including previous research experience.
2:  Describe your motivation for pursuing doctoral studies and your current research interests. This is your opportunity to explain what you would like to learn through advanced study and what you plan to achieve by doing so.
Interest in equity and human well being, pls meet the three members
3: Identify at least three members of the faculty you would like to work with. One or more of these should be a core member of the program’s faculty.

maybe you need to find more information for them to complete it.

4: Briefly outline your intended course of study, including your primary research interests. You may also want to list several courses that you would like to take during your first year in the program.

5: Conclude with a short description of your envisioned future and the role you would like to play in the field.

The applicant’s statement of purpose often proves to be the most important document in the application process. While other documents help establish general qualifications and background, the statement of purpose is a personal expression that distinguishes an applicant from other applicants and relates her or his specific interests to those of program faculty.

The objectives of the statement of purpose are twofold. First, it builds on the content of more generalized documents, such as transcripts and the curriculum vitae, by providing further details regarding the applicant’s background and academic qualifications. Second, it delivers a clear description of the applicant’s objectives, including research interests and intended course of study. This information is critical to the application process and a focused, well-written document is essential to the decision to admit. For this reason, the statement of purpose should reflect your best thinking regarding your decision to pursue doctoral studies at the University of Washington.

As you write, please keep in mind that it is important to be as specific as possible. The admissions committee seeks to understand your objectives and to ensure that your interests are compatible with those of the program faculty. And while it is understood that your knowledge of the University of Washington may be limited, you are encouraged to seek information via the Internet and through faculty that you have an interest in working with. The more informed and focused your statement of purpose, the better your chances of admission.

Applied philosophy essays

Applied philosophy essays

There will be 4 parts to the paper, each 500 words (or more if needed).

Part 1 – Discuss the theories in the first part of the chapter. This is the section called “Issues.” Compare and contrast them. Describe strengths and weaknesses in each theory.

Part 2 – Select 1-3 of the applied philosophy articles in that chapter (this is the section called “Practice;” some chapters have only 1, others have more – if there are more than 1, you decide how many to include). Discuss how they use or don’t use the theories in part 1. Do you agree with the application as it is described (in other words – would you do the same thing)?

Part 3 – Find 2 OTHER articles or videos that apply the philosophy of this chapter. Discuss how they use or don’t use the theories in part 1. Do you agree with the application as it is described (in other words – would you do the same thing)?

Part 4 – What did you learn from doing this paper and what are your takeaways? How do you expect to use that knowledge in the future? Include 1-2 paragraphs of conclusions in this section.

INBU 3304-001 Global Supply Chain Management

INBU 3304-001 Global Supply Chain Management

INBU 3304-001 Global Supply Chain Management
Guidelines: Global Supply Chain Management V2 Simulation (complete individually) 15%

-The simulation gives students an opportunity to design and manage the supply chain of a global phone manufacturer.
-During the simulation experience, students design the phone product line, forecast demand, choose a set of suppliers with different costs, lead-times and capacities, and allocate production among their chosen suppliers.
-After completing the product and supply chain design phases, students observe actual monthly demand being revealed dynamically, and have opportunities to respond to demand shifts and unexpected events.
-To manage the mobile line successfully, students must balance competing priorities and create a supply chain that is flexible enough to react quickly to fluctuating demand.
-The simulation illustrates how a few key decisions can improve the ability of a company to accurately predict and fulfill demand.

Your Role: You have just been hired as the Supply Chain Manager responsible for production of two new lines of mobile phones. You will be able to make key decisions and see the impact of your decisions on the performance of your company over the span of 2 years (only).

Refer to the “How to Play Guide” PowerPoint for information on:
Your objective and Important Information

Activities: for Round 1 (opens Oct 10) and Round 2 (opens Oct 24)
-Read “Global Supply Chain Management V2 Simulation – How to Play Guide
-Play the exercise/simulation 1st run opens at 8:00am (60-120 minutes) – Opens Oct 10, 8am
-Download/print the “Record Sheets” for Year 1 only to write down a brief record of your reasons for the choices made each year (optional, not required as part of grade, but useful)
-Review your financial performance and see how well your strategic choices have played out over the year based on Board Member feedback
-Discuss simulation results to date, in class (see course schedule for dates)

Deliverable: Simulation Reflection (3 pages max, due Dec 5)
After discussing in class, student will submit a simulation reflection answering the following questions:
What went well, what went wrong, what did you modify?
What drove you crazy and what kind of ‘clicked’ for you?
-No grades for “winning” or for earnings, just for the reflection

-You will repeat the cycle of design, production, and board evaluation for year 2 also
-Round 2 Opens Oct 24
-Playing the simulation round 1 & 2 and completing the individual reflection = 15%

See D2L for related documents:
-Guidelines – Global Supply Chain V2 Simulation
-Record Sheets Year 1 & 2
-GSCMV2 How to Play Guide (PowerPoint)
-Simulation Reflection – guidelines

Japan History Essay

Japan History Essay

After doing the readings and when assigned movies and documents, please join the conversation with the TeaMasters!
Remember we are all learning from one another, expand on the conversation, provide facts and links 🙂
Do not summarize readings here, the idea is to analyze them by discussing them.

**NOTE: when discussing documentaries, and movies look for elements that confirm or expand on the themes from the readings rather than merely pointing out the plot.**

More than just thinking about the plot, you need to look at every detail so that you can compare how characters dress, do elders and youth dress alike?
Consider the architecture, how are spaces designed, what spaces are occupied by whom?
Is there a difference between genders, authorities, young/elders or do they all occupy the same place? Who gets up first at the table, who serves?
Are characters taking turns to speak, which lines does each say, who has the last word, etc?
& finally… what does it all mean?
How do your observations relate to the content of the course?

Enzymatic Browning of Fruits

Enzymatic Browning of Fruits


NS415 Unit 7 Food Science Lab Report

Lab Report Information
Your Full Name:  
Lab Title: Enzymatic Browning of Fruits
Unit Number: Unit 7


NOTE: Be sure to download the Unit 7 Lab Assignment Rubric for this Food Science Lab Report and reference it carefully as you complete this document. The points and criteria for grading are explained in the grading rubric.


Delete this sentence and type in your introduction for this food lab in this section. Please remember to write professionally and in full, complete sentences.









Delete this sentence and type in your hypothesis for this food lab in this section. Delete this sentence and type in your introduction for this food lab in this section. Please remember to write professionally and in full, complete sentences.









Materials and Methods
Delete this sentence and explain or list all of your materials for this food lab.






Delete this sentence and explain your methods for this food lab.








Delete this sentence and type in your results for this food lab.






Photos of my food lab:



Photo #1 goes here.










Photo #2 goes here.





Charts for my food lab:




Insert chart(s) here.



Apple Air    
Apple Lemon Juice    
Apple Lemon Lime Soda    
Apple Salt    
Apple Blanching    













1. Describe the process of enzymatic browning. Please include the chemical reaction of

enzymatic browning with a discussion of the process.

2. List prevention treatments of enzymatic browning and why is each one effective.

3. Discuss why fruits brown when bruised, even when the skin is intact.

4. Why is it that bananas mixed with cubed oranges in a fruit cup do not turn brown?

5. A catering company must set up a cheese & fruit tray for a party. The fruit that will be sliced is Red Delicious apples. Which treatment would work the best for keeping the fruit from turning brown during the party and why?









Delete this sentence and type in your conclusion for this entire lab.









Delete this sentence and type in your references in APA format.













Cybersecurity Threat Landscape

Cybersecurity Threat Landscape

Your chief technology officer (CTO) has formed teams to each develop a detailed analysis and presentation of a specific APT, which she will assign to the team.

This is a team assignment, and the team members that were selected by the instructor in the previous assignment will work together. It is up to the team members to decide who is responsible for contributing to the sections of the paper. Remember, if a member fails to complete his or her part of the work, the team is still responsible for all sections.

Note that you are required to complete a peer review for yourself and for each member of the team. The peer review template is provided in the Activities folder.

Your team’s report should use the Cybersecurity Threat Landscape Team Assignment Template to cover the following six areas:

Part 1: Threat Landscape Analysis

Provide a detailed analysis of the threat landscape today.
What has changed in the past few years?
Describe common tactics, techniques, and procedures to include threat actor types.
What are the exploit vectors and vulnerabilities threat actors are predicted to take advantage of?

Part 2: APT Analysis

Provide a detailed analysis and description of the APT your group was assigned. Describe the specific tactics used to gain access to the target(s).
Describe the tools used. Describe what the objective of the APT was/is. Was it successful?

Part 3: Cybersecurity Tools, Tactics, and Procedures

Describe current hardware- and software-based cybersecurity tools, tactics, and procedures.
Consider the hardware and software solutions deployed today in the context of defense-in-depth.
Elaborate on why these devices are not successful against the APTs.

Part 4: Machine Learning and Data Analytics

Describe the concepts of machine learning and data analytics and how applying them to cybersecurity will evolve the field.
Are there companies providing innovative defensive cybersecurity measures based on these technologies? If so, what are they? Would you recommend any of these to the CTO?

Part 5: Using Machine Learning and Data Analytics to Prevent APT

Describe how machine learning and data analytics could have detected and/or prevented the APT you analyzed had the victim organization deployed these technologies at the time of the event. Be specific.

Part 6: Ethics in Cybersecurity. Ethical issues are at the core of what we do as cybersecurity professionals. Think of the example of a cyber defender working in a hospital. They are charged with securing the network, medical devices, and protecting sensitive personal health information from unauthorized disclosure. They are not only protecting patient privacy but their health and perhaps even their lives. Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability – the C-I-A triad – and many other cybersecurity practices are increasingly at play in protecting citizens in all walks of life and in all sectors. Thus, acting in an ethical manner, is one of the hallmarks of a cybersecurity professional.

Do you think the vulnerability(ies) exploited by the APT consitute an ethical failure by the defender? Why or why not?
For the APT scenario your group studied, were there identifiable harms to privacy or property? How are these harms linked to C-I-A? If not, what ethically significant harms could result from the scenario your group researched?
For the APT scenario your group studied, when the targeted organization idenitified in the breach were they transparent in their disclosure? Do you feel the organization acted ethically?


Use additional sources of information but also describe the concept in layman’s terms.
Use visuals where appropriate.
While quality is valued over quantity, it is expected that a quality paper will result in a minimum length of 10–15 pages.
You will be assigned an individual grade for this assignment based on your contribution to the overall project.

Submitting Your Work

When complete, export your file as a PDF and upload it to the LEO Assignments Folder (e.g., Week 5 & 6 – The Cybersecurity Threat Landscape Group Assignment).

Peer Review

Download the Cybersecurity Threat Landscape Team Assignment Peer Review Template.
Answer the questions and rate your teammates appropriately.
Export to a PDF and email to your instructor.