Culture and identity shaped by relations of domination resistance and globalization

Culture and identity shaped by relations of domination resistance and globalization

How is culture and/or identity shaped by relations of domination, resistance, and globalization? Explain and critically evaluate the theoretical arguments on this topic from ONE of the following three theorists: Frantz Fanon, Stuart Hall, Uma Narayan. Explain how your selected author’s theoretical perspective relates to the main assumptions of conflict theories generally and postcolonial theory in particular. What are the main strengths and/or weaknesses of your selected author’s theoretical perspective? Be sure to (1) cite course readings using ASA style and (2) explain and provide reasons for your evaluation.

Main Assumptions of C W Mills Power-elite Theory

Main Assumptions of C W Mills Power-elite Theory

Explain the main assumptions of C.W. Mills’ power-elite theory and his argument about which groups in society tend to hold state power in the U.S.. Explain how Mills’ assumptions relate to the main assumptions of conflict theories generally and Marxist and Weberian theories of the state in particular. Critically evaluate the strengths and/or weaknesses of Mills’ power-elite theory. Be sure to (1) cite course readings using ASA style and (2) explain and provide reasons for your evaluation.

College Admission Essay to New York University

College Admission Essay to New York University

NYU was founded on the belief that a student’s identity should not dictate the ability for them to access higher education. That sense of opportunity for all students, of all backgrounds, remains a part of who we are today and a critical part of what makes us a world-class university. Our community embraces diversity, in all its forms, as a cornerstone of the NYU experience.
We would like to better understand how your experiences would help us to shape and grow our diverse community. Please respond in 250 words or less.
Can we help you write a winning admission essay to New York University or an other university?

The Partition of Northern and Southern Ireland in 1921

The Partition of Northern and Southern Ireland in 1921

Answer the following: What were the main treaties and bills that were being passed? What religious groups were against it and supportive of it In Ireland during 1798-1998? What diplomacy were acts formed and effective? Address the geopolitics in Ireland during the 17th, 18th, and 19th Centuries. Why did Ulster not want to be under London (British Rule)? Why did Britain want Ulster so severely? Talk about Eastern Arising in 1916 and why the Home Rule act was significant.
The paper’s thesis statement must be strong and eye-catching and include geopolitics and religion. Each paragraph needs to be precise and elaborated. The sources need to all be scholarly sources. The paragraph needs to flow well and needs to be in chronological order.

Identifying an unknown organism Biology Lab Report

Identifying an unknown organism Biology Lab Report

Objective: Identification of an unknown organism

You will be assigned an unknown organism that you will identify by performing a series of morphological and biochemical tests. Identification of the unknown organism will require use of the biochemical tests covered in previous labs, differential/selective media covered in lab 4 and Gram-staining

Procedure: Once you have been assigned your unknown,

  1. Label the TSA plate handed to you by the IA with your full name, date, and lab section. This plate is your stock master plate. You will use the stock plate to create a working plate and to perform a Gram stain in today’s lab
    1. Working plate: Transfer a single isolated colony from your stock plate to a fresh, sterile TSA plate (labeled with your name and lab section) and streak for isolation. Incubate the plate at 37°C for 24 hr., move the plate to the student (white door) refrigerator after incubation. This is your working plate; all your biochemical tests must be inoculated from this working plate (except catalase test).
    2. Gram stain: Using another isolated colony from your stock plate, prepare a smear and Gram stain it following the procedure outlined in your manual. Now refrigerate your stock plate as well.
  2. Record the results of your Gram stain below.
    1. Plate code        ES85
    2. Gram stain observation:

Morphology   Cocci

Gram nature; Positive

  1. Once your Gram staining results have been confirmed, proceed with the biochemical tests as per the flow chart provided below. There is one flow chart for Gram-positive bacteria and a separate one for Gram-negative bacteria. Make sure you are following the correct flow chart.
    1. Inoculate your biochemical tests with a single isolated colony from your working plate. You may use your working plate for up to 4 days, you will need to streak a fresh TSA plate if you need to continue performing tests after 4 days. If you make a fresh working plate, discard the old working plate as we have limited space in the refrigerator for storage.
    2. To make a new working plate, follow the same procedure as described above (step 1a).
    3. Perform one test at a time. After the test results have been recorded, proceed with the next test as per the flow chart. Do not inoculate multiple tests at the same time; this is a waste of resources and your time. Once incubation is complete, record your observations and discard your test. Any test tubes found in the refrigerator will be promptly discarded. There is more than enough media made for the class to identify their unknowns.

Name                                                                        Unknown paper grade report

Follow the rubric as you write your paper and attach this page to your report. Submit the paper before the deadline on your lab Canvas site. First draft is due on October 12th, 2022, Late submissions will NOT be accepted.

Section Description Points obtained

Gram stain

Must be graded during the lab, good quality smear (2), correct gram nature (4), correct morphology (4)  


 Cover page Creative and professional title, your name, IA name, lab section, date, unknown #, Genus & species of the identified microbe (correct spelling & scientific format)  /2
 Abstract 1-2 lines summarizing each part of the paper (2)

Include overall results and conclusion (2)

 Introduction Information on your organism with citations (4)

Information on the tests you used with citations (4) Purpose of this study (2) 1.5 page maximum

Materials and


Provide a clear and detailed description of all the tests you would have performed (4) with citations (4). Must be presented in same order as would be performed in the lab




State positive/negative and associated observation arranged in a table (4). A brief narrative summary of the results is appropriate but save the discussion and interpretation for the next section. Credit is given for the arrangement and clarity of the tabular results.  Must be presented in same order as would be performed in the lab






Discuss your results here. Include interpretation of each test (why it was positive/negative) with citations (10). Discuss any problems (or possible problems) encountered (2). Mention the relevance of this experiment (3).  


 Citations Minimum of 4 peer-reviewed citations in the correct format (4).

The manual is not a peer-reviewed publication. Correct citation format: see below

Correct identification  Correct identification of unknown organism  /5
Total   /65


*Refer to the guidelines below for more information on how to write the results section.

Additional guidelines:

  1. The report should be typed using the following specifications:

Font type: Arial

Font size: 12

Double spaced with 1-inch margins

Past tense, third person

  1. The materials and methods as well as the discussion section should include a separate header for each of the tests performed.
  2. Use proper and standard grammar, syntax, and structure. Poorly written and constructed reports will result in a deduction of up to 5 points, especially if your IA cannot even perceive what you are attempting to say. Don’t wait until the last day to write your report.
  3. Please do not plagiarize. If you are taking this lab for second time (and unless specifically cleared in advance by your IA), you must receive special permission to re-use portions of your own previous paper.
  4. Results: provide adequate figures for each test you would have performed. You may include pictures of tests for figures (Like a negative Gram stain for a Gram-negative organism). Give only factual details about the observed results; do not discuss the implications or interpretations of the results in this section. Figures of tests must appear in same order as would be performed.

TO USE A TABLE: Include the table legend ABOVE the table, include all tables BEFORE all figures. Reader must be able to interpret your table from your legend alone.

TO USE A FIGURE: Include the figure legend BELOW the figure. Reader must be able to interpret figure from your legend alone.

  1. Citations: Arrange your references in alphabetical order at the end of the report. Cite each listed reference by a number (in parentheses) in your report text. When compiling the reference list, use the style described below.

Authors. Year. Paper title. Journal. Volume: Pages

Remember that citations are very important; for EVERY SECTION (except for abstract and results), you should include citations in the body of the paper in correct format. You can choose to cite with a number, or with the author’s name and the year. If the article that you are citing has multiple authors, use: (Last name of first author et al. year)

Example citation: (see )

In text: “Streak plating is a technique that is used to separate a mixed culture into isolated components (Zhang et al. 2016).”

On citation page:

  1. Zhang, R. H., Zhou, Z. H., & Feng, J. C. (2016). Isolation, Identification, and Characterization of Lambda-Cyhalothrin Pesticide Degrading Bacterium ZC-5. Key Engineering Materials,723, 628-632.

Ideally you would use more than 4 citations, as every claim you make that is not considered common knowledge needs to be cited (especially in a publication ready manuscript). The lab manual is neither a peer-reviewed publication nor a formal scientific publication, so it should not be cited. Be sure to arrange your references in alphabetical order at the end of the paper for full credit.

Strive to use peer-reviewed papers of formally published scientific journals (even for materials and methods). That means that neither the lab handout nor random websites should be included. You could also find research via Google Scholar or NCBI PubMed if you make sure that the articles you are using are peer reviewed.

Also, once you finish your paper, I highly encourage you to make sure that you followed the rubric before you submit it. The grade is based on this rubric and the quality of your written work. For example, you must use proper grammar and syntax to be sure your paper makes sense.




Postmodernism being exemplified in our current cultural moment

Postmodernism being exemplified in our current cultural moment

For your first paper, find at least three specific examples of postmodernism being exemplified in our current cultural moment.

Clearly explain how the material that we have covered in class is applicable to the event/moment that you have chosen. Why do you think it is particularly good example of a postmodern era.

Some themes you might choose to include are: The nature of Truth (is there such a thing as one capital-T truth), the creation of narrative by the media, the meaning of Late Capitalism, the question of whether an objective truth exists in science, the role of capitalism in the sciences, the current hyperpolarization in the US, the effects of identity politics, the desire some people exhibit to return to the cultural norms of an earlier period in time (the 1950s, the pre-Roe period, an era in which we were not inundated with technology) the current culture wars regarding the teaching of critical race theory, the recent banning of books, censorship in the media and in academia. You can include any material or topic we have covered so far in class. Your paper must be grounded in the theory contained in the required readings.




Human-Wildlife Conflict

Human-Wildlife Conflict

The IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) defines human-wildlife conflict as ‘struggles that emerge when the presence or behaviour of wildlife poses an actual or perceived, direct and recurring threat to human interests or needs, leading to disagreements between groups of people and negative impacts on people and/or wildlife.’

Should controlled areas of land specifically for either wildlife habitat or farming be established through fencing and physical barriers, to reduce human-wildlife conflict to acceptable rates?

Must include a controlled loop diagram

Thinking about a communication process in your workplace

Thinking about a communication process in your workplace

The assessment for this module requires you to write an analytical, reflective paper of 2000 words. The paper will be written by you after you have followed a process of exploring a professional communication process that you believe needs to be further developed in your workplace*.

Follow the steps below to think through the communication process you have identified (we suggest you make notes of your thinking as you follow the steps):

  1. Write down a description of the communication process that you have chosen and which you believe needs to be improved in your workplace. Work through the elements of thought in thinking through the communication process.
  2. Jot down any issues, questions, or problems with the communication process in your workplace from your experience with the communication process.
  3. Conduct a literature search to find out what the best practice is for that workplace communication process.
  4. Compare the best practice you have identified from the literature with what happens in your workplace. Add the things you identify to the list you made in Step 2.
  5. Jot down a number of ways in which the communication process might be improved and why you think so. Make a note of any literature that supports your ideas.
  6. Make some notes about ways in which changes might be implemented to improve the communication process in your workplace.

When you have followed all these steps and finished your notes, move on to the next activity.

Remember, the purpose of this assignment is:

  1. To critically evaluate the communication process you have chosen in your workplace
  2. To demonstrate to us that you understand the nature of critical thinking by making sure that your writing reflects the elements of thought. Remember to refer to the Miniature Guide (2019), particularly pages 16 and 17 (titled: A Checklist for Reasoning).

Please Note:

The communication process you choose for the assignment does need to have a health care focus (an example of an inappropriate choice would be a communication process between finance staff in a health care facility).

Policy and Performance in American Higher Education

Policy and Performance in American Higher Education

For the course signature assignment, you will pick one state (other than one of the state cases presented in your text) and analyze it using the model presented in the first chapter of Richardson & Martinez’s (2009) Policy and Performance in American Higher Education (see model on page 19): introduction, state actors, rules in use at the state level, higher education institutional and system actors, and higher education system rules in use.

After choosing the state, you will write a 5-7 page research paper using APA style, inclusive of the following:

A discussion of performance and key rules; the political, economic, and social context for the state; and state higher education issues.
An overview of the individuals, groups, agencies, and organizations that are state-level actors who influence higher education.
A description of how state actors come together in formal and informal arenas to derive, utilize, or alter rules that govern planning, program review and approval, academic preparation, student assistance, fiscal, enrollment, and other policy issues.
An overview of individuals, groups, agencies, and organizations that are institutional or system-level actors who influence higher education.
A description of how institutional and system actors come together in formal and informal arenas to derive, utilize, or alter rules that govern planning, program review and approval, academic preparation, student assistance, fiscal, enrollment, and other policy issues.

Assigned Reading:
Richardson, R. & Martinez, M. (2009). Policy and performance in American higher education: An examination of cases across state systems. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Nietzsche in the parable of the madman that God is dead

Nietzsche in the parable of the madman that God is dead

What does Nietzsche mean when he announces, in the parable of the madman, that “God is dead” and that “we have killed him”?