Canine massage and human massage – comparison

Canine massage and human massage – comparison

To write about the different massage techniques in detail used in human massage and canine. Compare the differences between canine massage and human massage.

5 Pages

3 scholarly sources

APA formatting style.

Career Choices aligned to Broadcasting Mass Communication

Career Choices aligned to Broadcasting Mass Communication

Write a 2-3 page essay about your career choices aligned with your current major. The essay should contain ALL questions from the final research outline (revert to the research questionnaire document). You should have at least three resources on your reference page. A description of what you learned in your interview should also be visible. APA Style, Times New Roman, 12-point font, Cover page, reference page, and 2-3 page body.

Mixed Methods Examination of Tourism Microentrepreneurship Among Black Farmers in North Carolina

Mixed Methods Examination of Tourism Microentrepreneurship Among Black Farmers in North Carolina

  • Study Setting (if conducting contextual research) ‐ describes the contextual setting of the research (e.g., specific community, program, etc.)
  • Study Design ‐ (e.g., quasi‐experimental, exploratory/cross‐sectional or longitudinal, etc.)
  • Participants ‐ (e.g., Population under study and sampling procedure, Research ethics information)
  • Measures/Instrumentation (Include Operational definitions of variables, Information about instruments, techniques, or protocols, Support for measures or pilot procedures explained)
  • Procedures (includes Plan for recruitment, data collection/generation process, Data treatment and management plan, and Data analysis plan)

Innovation and Entrepreneurship context based on Nestle company.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship context based on Nestle company.

Set out the case for Strategic HR and its role in driving an Innovation & Entrepreneurship organisational culture (1000 words)
In terms of Managing the Change required to develop a more innovative and entrepreneurial culture what are the key factors we need to consider along with any recommendations (500 words)
how we might apply one or more SDGs (sustainable development goals as an instrument for change (500 words)

Human Growth and Development

Human Growth and Development

You are required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt. Each thread must be a minimum of 250 words in length and demonstrate course-related knowledge. You are also expected to reply to a minimum of two of your classmates’ posts. Your replies to classmates’ posts should be a minimum of 150 words. You should reply to at least one post that is of a different topic than the topic you used in your original post.
Discuss two of the following topics, focusing on the adolescent years:
Identity formation is clearly an important task in adolescence. Compare Erikson and Marcia in their theories on identity formation. Which theory do you prefer? Why? Give examples and cite literature.
Analyze adolescent cognitive development and factors that might affect academic performance in adolescence. Give examples and cite literature.
Think about typical teens, their daily activities, their habits of eating and leisure activities, etc. How has modern lifestyle impacted the physical development and nutrition of adolescents in the USA? Give examples and cite literature.
How do you think religion, spirituality, ethnicity, and peer relationships impact identity formation? Give examples and cite literature.
State your opinion, why you hold this opinion, and cite researchers who support your view.

You are required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt. Each thread must be a minimum of 250 words in length and demonstrate course-related knowledge. You are also expected to reply to a minimum of two of your classmates’ posts. Your replies to classmates’ posts should be a minimum of 150 words. You should reply to at least one post that is of a different topic than the topic you used in your original post.
Discuss two of the following topics, focusing on the early adulthood years:
Compare and contrast Perry’s and Schaie’s approaches to cognitive development in early adulthood.
Describe the stress and difficulties that young adults may face and what can be done about it.
Discuss the young adult need for intimacy and friendship and the impact of infant attachment styles on romantic relationships as adults.
Explain the role of careers and factors influencing career choices in early adulthood.
State your opinion, why you hold this opinion, and cite researchers who support your view.

In Homer Herodotus Athenian tragedy and Athenian Old Comedy

In Homer Herodotus Athenian tragedy and Athenian Old Comedy

n Homer, Herodotus, Athenian tragedy, and Athenian Old Comedy, we see the consequences of war considered in various ways. Did the Greeks glorify war? Did they abhor it? Or is the picture complicated by historical and literary context?
Essay should have a central thesis made clear in the introduction, backed up by a series of body paragraphs that support it in different ways. Each paragraph should have a clearly stated topic supported by specific references to evidence from the text, which are then cited. Use each paragraph to explain how the evidence supports the topic, then how that in turn supports your central thesis. the major focus should be on homer and herodotus. there should be quotes taken from those texts while talking about examples about the war. 2 quotes per paragraph should do.

Persuasive Essay Writing

Persuasive Essay Writing

Follow the assignment instructions and review the rubric:

Now that you have analyzed the Declaration of Independence, Stanton’s Declaration of Sentiments, and King’s “Letter From A Birmingham Jail,” you will think of a cause you want to make a statement about and write your own “declaration.”

As you plan, think about….

What are your grievances? What in your life do you believe is so deeply unfair that it demands remedy?

Focus on the personal. You may choose serious topics (gender, race/ethnicity, sexuality, social media, education costs) or less serious topics (parental rules, homework, dress codes). Avoid larger, controversial issues like guns, healthcare, etc.

Do your grievances fall into categories, or do they constitute many separate issues?

For the preamble, what parts of the documents you studied, if any, do you want to draw on?

All of the documents are a call to action: Jefferson’s to a military revolution for independence; Stanton to widespread activism; King’s to nonviolent protest. What will your call to action be?


Begin with a preamble (introduction) where you explain why you are writing your declaration, culminating in a clearly stated claim of policy.
One or more body paragraphs detailing your grievances.
Must include specific mention of your audience: to whom are you addressing your complaints?
A paragraph explaining any attempts you have already made to try and address these grievances.
A final paragraph where you declare your “independence”–that is, what you want to change as a result of your writing this document.
Carefully chosen diction throughout
A minimum of three allusions that serve to emphasize your message (these could be to a religion, to a film, to a song, to a TV show…)Introduction/Preamble + Claim of Policy
Occasionally Exceeds the Standards: Thoroughly explains reasons for writing declaration; culminates in a clearly and eloquently stated claim of policy.

Meets the Standards: Effectively explains reasons for writing declaration; culminates in a stated claim of policy.

Below the Standards: Missing or does not effectively explain reasons for writing declaration; does not culminate in a clearly stated claim of policy or claim is missing.
Maximum score15
Paragraphs / Grievances
Occasionally Exceeds the Standards: Body paragraphs list sufficient and specific grievances and describe them vividly.

Meets the Standards: Body paragraphs list sufficient grievances and effectively describe them.

Below the Standards: Body paragraphs do not list sufficient grievances and/or fails to effectively describe them
Maximum score20
Occasionally Exceeds the Standards: Author shows a clear sense of audience that always informs the writer’s choices.

Meets the Standards: Author shows a sense of audience that often informs writers’ choices.

Below the Standards: Author shows little or no sense of audience
Maximum score15
Paragraph on Attempts to address these grievances.
Occasionally Exceeds the Standards: Vividly describes attempts to address these grievances with great specificity.

Meets the Standards: Effectively describes attempts to address these grievances with some specificity.

Below the Standards: Missing or does not address grievances in a clear manner; or addresses grievances too briefly/ineffectively.
Maximum score20
Final Paragraph
Occasionally Exceeds the Standards: The final paragraph clearly declares “independence”–and clearly and eloquently states what the author wants to change.

Meets the Standards: The final paragraph declares “independence”–and clearly states what the author wants to change.

Below the Standards: The final paragraph is missing or doesn’t declare “independence”–and/or does not state what the author wants to change.
Maximum score15
Use of Allusions
Occasionally Exceeds the Standards: Three allusions are present and meaningfully enhance author purpose.

Meets the Standards: Three allusions are present and enhance author purpose.

Below the Standards: Allusions are missing or may be too few or do not enhance author purpose.
Maximum score10
Occasionally Exceeds the Standards: No errors in grammar and spelling.

Meets the Standards: A few errors in grammar and spelling exist but do not cause confusion.

Below the Standards: The errors in grammar and spelling cause confusion.
Maximum score5

HSEC 360 Intelligence and National Security

HSEC 360 Intelligence and National Security

1. This is an open-book, take-home exam. You may use whatever resources you wish
to answer the question. There are five (5) questions.
2. Your answers must be based on evidence. If you use outside resources, you MUST
properly cite them. Use whatever citation format you are comfortable with. You may
use the footnote function in WORD.
3. You must prepare the test using WORD. Submit the completed test through
Turnitin on Blackboard. There are no exceptions to this rule.
4. The test is due NO LATER THAN midnight, Monday 12 December 2022 based on
the time-stamp provided by Turnitin. Make sure that your submission is properly
uploaded, and that you retain a receipt in case of a discrepancy. There are no
exceptions to this rule.
5. The answer to EACH question must be AT LEAST 325 words long, in Times New
Roman, 12 pitch. Failure to meet the minimum standard will result in a decrease of one
letter grade for each answer that does not meet standards.
6. The objective of the test is for you to display your ability to analyze and synthesize
the material we have discussed in class over the semester. Take time to think about
how you want to answer the question.
7. The more complete and thorough your answers, the better the grade. Try to consider
ALL aspects of the question.
8. Read the question thoroughly and make sure you answer ALL parts of the
question. Answer the question as written, not the question you want to answer.
9. The more detail and specific examples you can provide in your answers the greater
the likelihood of a good grade.


1. What is OSINT? How does it differ from other intelligence disciplines? How is OSINT being used in the Russian war in Ukraine? What are the limitations of OSINT? Provide specific examples.

2. Draw the intelligence cycle and describe the major elements. How do they relate to each other? What are the criticisms of the intelligence cycle?

3. In what way do intelligence requirements represent the needs of decision-makers? Who contributes to the creation of intelligence requirements? How are intelligence requirements related to resources? Provide specific examples.

4. What are covert operations? How are covert operations in the US approved? Name the various types of covert action? How relevant are the types of covert operations conducted during the Cold War (1950 – 1989) to the current international environment? Provide specific examples.

5. Is the policy maker part of the intelligence process (policy-maker a euphemism for any intelligence customer)? How do policy-makers interact with the intelligence community? Do policy-makers have a right to question analysts about their findings? Explain. Provide specific examples.


One-Way ANOVA Sample Help

One-Way ANOVA Sample Help

The script will output answers to the questions given below..
In this discussion, you will apply the statistical concepts and techniques covered in this week’s reading about one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). An investment analyst is evaluating the 10-year mean return on investment for industry-specific exchange-traded funds (ETFs) for three sectors: financial, energy, and technology. The analyst obtains a random sample of 30 ETFs for each sector and calculates the 10-year return of each ETF. The analyst has provided you with this data set. Run Step 1 in the Python script to upload the data file.
Using the sample data, perform one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Evaluate whether the average return of at least one of the industry-specific ETFs is significantly different. Use a 5% level of significance.
In your initial post, address the following items:
1. Define the null and alternative hypothesis in mathematical terms and in words.
2. Report the level of significance.
3. Include the test statistic and the P-value. See Step 2 in the Python script.
4. Provide your conclusion and interpretation of the test. Should the null hypothesis be rejected? Why or why not?
5. Does a side-by-side boxplot of the 10-year returns of ETFs from the three sectors confirm your conclusion of the hypothesis test? Why or why not? See
Step 3 in the Python script.
This is for an initial post only answering those questions.

Democracy and Ethics in the Elementary Classroom

Democracy and Ethics in the Elementary Classroom

Instructions listed: You will write an annotated bibliography by choosing one topic to explore in greater depth in either democracy or ethics in the elementary classroom. You will then develop an annotated bibliography containing 15 academic sources (journals, book chapters, etc.) as well as a discussion of what you learned from your research. Papers will be graded using a rubric (see Appendix A), on subject knowledge, APA formatting; 7th edition, organization, clear articulation of the dominant ideas, and originality/creativity.
Instructions listed: Select 15 recent scholarly articles on an education topic of your choosing. Assemble the articles into an APA style reference list. Include a 2-3 paragraph annotation for each article that addresses the following points:
-a brief overview of the article, including the type of research, participants, context, outcomes, important implications,
-your purpose for including it in the assignment,
-how it might support your future education interests and goals. The length of the paper will vary depending on the length of the annotations.