Workable Peace Managing Conflict in the Middle East
Final Paper Instructions. Advanced Mediation. Professor Singh
1. **Research Part: Part A. 6 to 8, double spaced pages.
Choose a mediation scenario that is complex in nature and answer the following prompt:
a.) Discuss the facts of the case-1-2 pages including the likely emotional state/perspectives of the disputants
b.) Discuss the mediator’s approach; what strategies will be deployed by the mediator? What will be possible hurdles to reaching resolution? How will the mediator guide the participants through those challenges?
c.) Discuss a scenario where you would mediate the dispute and how would you mediate it differently? Could this be part of subpart b above?
Note to Writer: Please write on the Middle East Conflict – Historical Background and General Info. 7 pages is ok
2. **Self Reflection Part: Part B. 3-5, double spaced pages.
Instructions: Please answer the three questions. Please provide specific examples in your answers to the two questions.
Note to Writer: Total of 4 pages is ok. Feel free to allocate the pages according to the questions below.
1) What is the biggest challenge that you have faced or will face in a mediation, either as a participant or as a mediator? Why was/will be the biggest challenge to you?
Note to Writer: please use the Hamas Supporter-Confidential background as source of the biggest challenge. Discuss issues relating to religious beliefs. Ex: I am a Christian Armenian, so playing Hamas Supporter’s role was difficult for me as I am against violence and bias based on my religious beliefs. Feel free to get creative here, I will review the final draft and make any changes necessary.
2) Having studied advanced mediation techniques, how would you approach mediation theory and practice differently than prior to taking the courses you have completed at Pepperdine thus far?
Note to Writer: Please reference any recommended strategies, etc from the two resource materials. Feel free to pick whichever strategy/technique you believe would be helpful when mediating a conflict with different religious, cultural values.
Resource 1: Influence, Science and practice, Robert Cialdini
Resource 2: Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions, Ariely, Dan.
3) Which week of this class was the most impactful to you in terms of learning materials
and why?Note to Writer: Please reference Week 7 – Middle East Conflict Simulation. This section will likely be a repeat of questions 1 and 2. Perhaps summarize challenges and techniques/strategies learned based on question 2. Again, feel free to be creative. I will edit your final draft.