Entries by admin

Causes of medication errors in care homes

Investigate causes of medication errors in care homes This is a research assignment utilizing both secondary and primary sources. Format the paper in APA style, and cite at least 20 sources. Maximum pages : 30 or 7,500 words excluding reference page. Use the following outline: title abstract table of content introduction methodology results discussions and […]

Kepler’s Influence on Astronomy

In this writing assignment, you will investigate Tycho’s influence on Kepler and how the laws of planetary motion swayed the scientific community to accept the heliocentric model. outline the scientific process Kepler used to come up with his explanation of planetary motion and how the laws developed by Kepler contributed to the eventual acceptance of […]

Reproductive Rights and Controversies

Reproductive rights remain a controversial issue, not only in the United States, but in many countries around the world. Although formal laws address this issue at the federal and state levels, it would be shortsighted to view this conversation as occurring only within the hallways of government. In fact, perhaps no issue has galvanized more […]

Laser with solar cells

Complete the assignment with the following outline: Introduction (solar cells): Crystalline silicon solar Cells, Thin Film Technologies, and Organic and dye sensitized cells Effect of Laser Light (He-Ne) on electrical properties of solar cell performance Laser impact of plated solar cell by membrane Sno2: Sb dopant by antimony by spraying thermochemical Effect of laser on […]

Satyam Scandal Corporate Ethics Case Study

Instructions You are given a case study of Satyam Computer Services Ltd You are required to analyze the case study in the context of corporate ethics. Create a good outline. Format your paper in APA style. Write about 1,750 words.  Cite six sources.

Developing a comprehensive safety culture

Write how an organization can develop a comprehensive safety culture In your report, include: Introduction Organizational culture Safety culture Models of safety culture (Hudson model, Fernandez-Muniz et al model, Schein Model) Construction Safety Culture Towards a Comprehensive Safety Culture Model for Construction Industry Conclusion

Designing Qualitative Research

Describe the procedure for designing qualitative  research. Discuss the various types of qualitative research designs. Outline limitations and strengths of qualitative research. Provide a rationale for or against using qualitative research in your discipline. Finally, present a dummy sample of a qualitative research paper (maximum 3,600 words).