Entries by admin

Motor Vehicle Stop – Evidence And Procedure (Criminal Homework Help)

Motor Vehicle Stop – Evidence and Procedure Competencies Addressed in This Assignment Competency 1: Articulate how the rules of criminal procedure apply to a criminal justice practitioner. Competency 3: Apply the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments in a criminal justice context. Competency 4: Specify how the procedural rules apply to the admission of evidence in […]

Professional Development – Homework Help

Use APA format, cite two sources, use online sample Directions: Complete Step 1 by developing (or copying and pasting) a curriculum vitae (CV) for graduate nurse in the space provided. Complete Step 2 by clearly identifying and accurately stating in detail your professional development goals. Complete Step 3 by clearly and accurately stating in detail […]

Writing Assignment (Article Writing Homework Help)

For your assignment (Individual hand-in) , I would like each student to conduct a research on programs / projects at any Fortune 500 company or organization (must be supported with facts, references, and also examples). As an example, we talked about Boeing’s failure as a program for its 737 Max failing in both testing and […]

English Prompt (Nursing Homework Help)

Step 1: Read the prompt below. People have contrasting opinions regarding the future of hospitals. Some people argue that hospitals are expanding while saving lives, investing in technology and being profitable. On the other hand, others believe that the current hospital system will soon grow obsolete. They believe that with the collapse of healthcare, the Medicare […]

Write My Argumentative Essay

For this essay you will have two options. Option 1: Take your decision about what 5 people you decided to save on the lifeboat and argue what features/characteristics are the LEAST valuable in a moment of crisis. Some examples of acceptable theses: “When deciding between life and death the least important factors are…..” “If I had to save only […]


Write a 300 to 600 word multi-paragraph essay on the topic below.  Think about the topic and limit it.  Develop a thesis statement and a plan for supporting it with plenty of specific details.  Proofread and revise your paper carefully.  Be sure to fill in your name the top right corner of this sheet.  YOU HAVE TWO HOURS TO COMPLETE […]

Big Data Analysis (Data Analytics)

1. You can choose a real or fictitious organization as your case study organization, which will represent where I am the CIO/President and to which you will be presenting as a Data Scientist. 2. Choose at least one data-set as that which was provided to you by my organization. 3. You may use or create […]

Analytical Research Essay Question (Academic Writing)

Conventions of Analytical writing:  An appropriate topic (it must allow people to possess different opinions on the topic, though they might share a point of agreement. Non-arguable topics based on personal taste or preference, or they cannot be resolved with reasons appropriate for an academic context.)  A clear position.  In academic writing, the stance is […]

Discussion- Data Science & Big Data Analysis

Review this article about Data Scientist: https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-avoid-the-worst-mistake-every-data-scientist-can-make-using-these-2-crucial-steps-a25a90b0995 a. Provide a very brief summary. b. Discuss the key points made by the author about data scientists. Provide your opinions, perspectives, and ideas including your agreement or disagreement with the points made. c. Share key takeaways that can be applied to either your professional or academic aspirations.

Forensic Toxicology Question (APA Format)

You will select one item or subject of your choice from the forensic materials covered in this week’s class materials, including lectures and/or reading assignments, and write a paper representing an item or topic you find of interest or unusual. This must be in APA format and include a cover page, abstract, discussion, conclusion, and […]