Entries by Bernard

Reflective exploration of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Mental Health Nursing (John)

Reflective exploration of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Mental Health Nursing (John) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Formative and Summative Assessment Formative assessment is primarily developmental in nature, and is designed to give feedback to learners on their performance and how it can be improved.  Formative assessment is a key part of the learning process, and has […]

Analytics for operations and logistics management

Analytics for operations and logistics management   Module Title: Analytics for Operations and Logistics Management Module Code: 7BUS2042 Assignment Format & Maximum Word count Individual Report – 2500 Assignment weighting   60% Coursework Submission: Time: 6pm Date: 22nd January 2023 Method: Upload Word/PDF file on Canvas online Coursework return Date returned to students:   Module […]

Disaster recovery plan

Disaster recovery plan DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN TEMPLATE VERSION HISTORY VERSION APPROVED BY REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE AUTHOR                                                                         PREPARED […]

A letter of intent to apply for a Master of Engineering Leadership in Clean Energy at the University of British Colombia

A letter of intent to apply for a Master of Engineering Leadership in Clean Energy at the University of British Colombia Bulletin points to be used while preparing the letter of intent: Use the attached writer guidelines document to gather my personal details, education level, and work experience. Use the attached writer guidelines document to […]

Unique health benefits of exercise training for American football (NFL) players

Unique health benefits of exercise training for American football (NFL) players Students will be required to complete a final project on the unique health benefits of exercise training for a select population. Students will create a 3-5-page report, citing scientific (peer-reviewed) resources, that investigate the benefits and appropriate recommendations of flexibility, resistance training, or cardiovascular […]

Boeing Manufacturing Problem to Deliver

Boeing Manufacturing Problem to Deliver Boeing was known for quality-produced aircraft, but over the years and a merger, it seems to put quantity first. The 737 Max is a prime example. They swept stuff under the rug. Also, they hid a new component from the customer as a selling point of airlines not having to […]

Lesson Plans for Teaching English as an Additional Language

Lesson Plans for Teaching English as an Additional Language The purpose of this assignment is to enable you to prepare a complete lesson plan for the course you like to teach in the near future. While preparing it, you will make language objectives and content objectives separately and detail how you will achieve them in […]

Applying Research-Based Evidence – Teacher burnout

Applying Research-Based Evidence – Teacher burnout Applying Research-Based Evidence Discuss necessary skills in applying research-based evidence to your problem in professional practice. Include the following: Defining a problem in professional practice. Finding relevant research articles. Reading and understanding the research articles. Analysis and synthesis of the research evidence to apply to professional practice. Response Guidelines […]

Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis Testing Week 7 Discussion: Hypothesis Testing Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 9 Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source In your reference for this assignment, be sure to include both your text/class materials AND your outside reading(s). Initial Post Instructions Describe a hypothesis test study that would help your […]

Certified Fitness Trainer

Certified Fitness Trainer This week’s written assignment is to a case study. Your answers should be concise, complete, and typed in a Microsoft Word document. Make sure to include your name on each page. When you are finished, upload the Word document to be graded using the dropbox below. This week’s case study: Client Profile: […]