Entries by Bernard

Price of Doing Good: Consequences of Ethical Decision Making

Price of Doing Good: Consequences of Ethical Decision Making  Instructions Discuss the price of doing good (850-1,050 words) Also……. #Pay for essay #Do my homework #Buy essays #Essay writing help #Academic writing service #Pay for essay writing #Custom essays #Academic writing service #Business writing service #Custom papers #How to write a case study #How to […]

Competitive Advantage of Nations

Competitive Advantage of Nations  Instructions Please read the case study that is uploaded for this paper and summarize it in a minimum of 2- pages, single-spaced . At the very end please add one comment or question revolving around the case study.   Also…. #Pay for essay #Do my homework #Buy essays #Essay writing help […]

Statistical Analysis Project/Assignment

Statistics Project You are to choose a topic for your project.  It may be something related to your job or a special interest of yours.  You need to do the following things: Choose a topic that you would like to use for your project. Develop a hypothesis for your topic. This is some conjecture you would like […]

Three Levels of Theories for Explaining Sex Differences—Social, Physiological or Hormonal, and Evolutionary.

Three Levels of Theories for Explaining Sex Differences—Social, Physiological or Hormonal, and Evolutionary.  Larsen and Buss review three levels of theories for explaining sex differences—social, physiological or hormonal, and evolutionary. This activity is designed to get you to think deeply about these causes of sex differences and to assess and reflect upon your own perspective […]

V-belt Drive System Lab Report

Objective: Using Mdesign software, Design a V-belt drive system by specify the belt size, the sheave sizes, and the number of belts, the actual output speed, and the center distance.   Introduction: Write an introduction of 200-250 words Introduction should provide a background of work documented in report: Fundamentals of design parameters (flexible power transmission […]

Evidence-Based Practice Change Process

Purpose  The purpose of this assignment is: To apply a change process using the ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation and a systematic review after identifying a clinical topic of concern and related nursing practice issue. The information from the ‘Illustration’ part of our lessons in Weeks 1-6 will mentor you through  this process. Your […]

Correlation between pay and performance in major league sports

Correlation between pay and performance in major league sports Formulate a theory about the correlation between a measurable dependent variable (the effect) and measurable independent variables (the causes).The topic area you need to consider is pay and performance in Major League Sports; either football or baseball. Be sure to have at least two independent variables […]

Corrosion of Reinforcement in High Volume Fly Ash Concrete

Corrosion of Reinforcement in High Volume Fly Ash Concrete  Instruction  Write a 10-15 page paper of the provided topic. Format your paper in Harvard style, and use 12-16 sources. Also…. #Pay for essay #Do my homework #Buy essays #Essay writing help #Academic writing service #Pay for essay writing #Custom essays #Academic writing service #Business writing […]

Police Brutality Research Paper

Police Brutality Research Paper Instruction Prepare a research paper 15-20 pages – including a cover page, abstract page, outline, and bibliography page.Document using the most recent . edition Chicago manual citation style.The Chicago style numbers citations within the text to footnotes or endnotes that contain all the relevant bibliographical information.Please use scholarly articles Also…. #Pay […]

Employee Role Conflict and Job Satisfaction

Employee Role Conflict and Job Satisfaction  Instructions  Your paper is about  employee role conflict and job satisfaction. It should be 5-7 pages, and formatted in APA style with 6-8 sources. Use relevant literatures/theories about employee role conflict and job satisfaction Display critical understanding of the current state of knowledge on the domain, through reviewing the […]