Philosophy for a Happy Life

Philosophy for a Happy Life

Let’s set aside the discussion of mergers and acquisitions, and of downsizing. They, of course, are important, but so is the stamina to finish this course, and finish it Trident strong.
By wrapping up your MGT491 Capstone in HRM course, this means that many of you are set to finish your BSHRM! There is only one module to go. Is your can-do attitude a little zapped? Need a boost? Listen to Sam Berns sharing his philosophy for a happy life. (This speech took place three months before his death.)
TEDx Talks. (2013, December 13). My philosophy for a happy life: Sam Berns[Video]. YouTube.
Using this information as a springboard, think about the world of work and your own philosophy for a happy work life.
Additional Key Elements of the Assignment
First Post:
Please respond with at least 250 words to the following questions (there is a word counter in the text box):
Most of us spend more time at work than we do at home, so it is important our job makes us happy.
1. What is your current work life like?
2. What do you need to do personally so that your work life is a happy life?
3. As an HR professional in a workplace, what philosophical words of wisdom do you share with your employees?
Your Initial Post should occur in a timely manner (by midnight of the third day of the module for full timeliness points). Include the original questions along with your initial, informative post. Support your post with information from at least one high quality peer-reviewed reference found in the Trident Online Library and provide complete source information (so that your peers can find the article if they wish). Bring in your own personal experiences, as applicable.
Your Subsequent Posts:
Read through the responses by your peers and post responses of at least 100 words to at least two classmates’ posts. Your goal is to focus on adding new Bring in ideas/comments and/or research/readings not mentioned yet.
Remember—To receive full credit in this forum, you need to post a minimum of three quality posts (your own initial post, and responses to two classmates). Only one outside source is needed (in the initial post). But in any post, if you borrow ideas/information from other authors, give them credit for their work.
Your discussion contributions will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this assignment:
• Assignment-driven criteria
• Critical thinking
• Writing mechanics and referencing
• Timeliness