Entries by admin

Disaster Risk, Resilience, Adaptation and Sustainability

Critically evaluate a range of conceptual views and theories aligned to disaster risk, resilience, adaptation, development and sustainability. Critically evaluate the roles of strategy, conventions, agreements, policy and structures aligned to the DRR, resilience, climate change and sustainable development contexts. Assess the challenges resulting from global change and the range of response options open to […]

Analyzing, Interpreting and Communicating about Environmental Data

The purpose of this assignment is to give you some experience analyzing, interpreting and communicating about environmental data. The spreadsheet contains daily PM2.5 readings from three monitoring sites in Salt Lake County. Each site’s data are found in a separate worksheet. I have created variables for the month (1-12), day (1-31) and day of week […]

Evolution of Nursing Practice

The field of nursing has changed over time. In a 750‐1,000 word paper, discuss nursing practice today by addressing the following: Explain how nursing practice has changed over time and how this evolution has changed the scope of practice and the approach to treating the individual. Compare and contrast the differentiated practice competencies between an […]

Dr. Clayten Christensen’s Views about Emerging/Disruptive Technologies

Dr. Clayten Christensen and Emerging  / Disruptive Technologies The report must mention Dr. Clayten Christensen’s contribution to this topic, but do not limit the report to him. The report has to have body, summary, biblography. The words SUMMARY, BODY, BIBLOGRAPHY must be centered, in bold and underlined. No single paragraph longer than 8 lines. You […]

Theories of Learning Paper

Answer each question individually. ————————————————————- 1. What is the role of research in teacher decision making? How does knowledge of classrooms help in this process? (Minimum response of 350 words and 3 references) —————————————————– 2. How can research make teachers more reflective? Besides a thorough knowledge of the research base, what else can teachers do […]

Problem/PICOT/Evidence Search (PPE)

PPE grading rubric: Selects and identifies one quality or safety clinical priority practice problem from the assignment guidelines practice scenario. Thoroughly summarizes why you believe the nursing practice problem/issues the most important. Thoroughly summarizes the rationale (why) the problem was chosen. Provides details. PICOT question has 5 elements correct. Question is nursing related. All of […]

Challenge of Cultural Diversity in a Nursing Practice

Cultural diversity as a challenge in a nursing practice 1.Introduction/Overview of the Problem: Thorough and logical overview of the problem, includes a discussion of the problem’s relevancy to nursing 2. Summary of Findings: Thoughtful, clear, and detailed summary of findings from the current peer-reviewed literature on this issue 3. Recommendations: Recommendations/implications are stated clearly, includes […]

iCARE Concept and Interprofessional Teams

Please review the infographic as way to guide you in getting started with your assignment: Developing an Assignment with Integrity (Links to an external site.) Getting Started: Interprofessional teams are part of practice trends we see developing in all aspects of care delivery. Consider you own work environment (or recent clinical setting). For this assignment, […]

Health Care Performance Measures

Instructions: Read the case study titled “Quest Diagnostics (A): Improving Performance at the Call Centers” by Ton and Reavis (2017). Analyze the case study by completing the following areas: Case summary-include a description of the problems/issues Discuss how a performance scorecard would be useful for Quest Diagnostics or another tool for improving operations. What methods […]