Entries by admin

Aboriginal Peoples and the Criminal Justice System, Canada

Answer the following questions. Maximum word count in each question is 450 words. Question #1 Many studies have shown that Aboriginal peoples are over-represented in the criminal justice system. Examine the statistics that demonstrate this over-representation, and identify and discuss at least three reasons for it. Question #2 The view of justice that prevails in […]

Natural Hazard Resistant Construction

Complete the City of Baton Rouge DPW Permit and Inspection Division Residential Plan Review Application Form (http://brgov.com/dept/dpw/inspections/pdf/PlanReviewApp.pdf) for a 2156 sf wood framed house with a cost of $120/sf at ONE of the following addresses located in Baton Rouge, LA.  Make sure to follow all the requirements shown on the back of the form: 1 – […]

Process Improvement Techniques

Using the information provided, perform the following calculations: Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) takes into account three measurements:  availability, quality factor and performance Planned run time Downtime  Availability of the machine from Monday to Friday  Performance Quality rate Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Quality factor Pareto analysis

Urban Segregation

You are required to discuss urban segregation in Vancouver or Toronto. Use the following information: Materials on Schelling and segregation Reading Schelling article. Segregation in Vancouver maps Coursera lecture by Scott Page on Schelling model. Watch here. Computer simulation environments. Netlogo used by Page in above video. Netlogo download McGowan online http://www.law.fsu.edu/journals/landuse/vol141/seit.html

Describing about a piece of art (Art and Architecture)

There are two purposes to this assignment. The first is to get you into the habit of looking at works of art and architecture and thinking about them materially, about the ways they are made. The second purpose is to introduce you to writing scientifically about a work of art. While you are in university […]

Safety culture

In this assignment, you are expected to address several aspects of construction safety and safety culture in about 3,000 words. How do organizations develop safety culture? In your paper, cover the following: definition of safety,  culture, and safety culture positive safety culture safety culture models levels of aggregation and safety performance relationship between organization culture […]

Energy Improvements to Buildings Report (Calculations)

Energy Improvements to Buildings You are provided with information of a building in the attachment. Present a report comprising the following: Introduction  Calculations’ 2.1. Volume of the building 2.2. Area of walls 2.3. Area of doors 2.4. Area of windows 2.5. Heat loss coefficient (HLC) 2.6. Heat loss parameter (HLP) 2.7. Steady-state heat loss rate […]

Positive Psychology Clinical Applications

Assignment Instructions  Format this assignment in APA style, citing all the sources used appropriately. Although you are encouraged to use current evidence-based articles on positive psychology, they are only meant to support and compliment the text but not to replace it. Culture and diversity issues must be addressed where relevant. The entire assignment should be 12 […]

IC Engine Performance Parameters (Lab Report)

Internal Combustion (IC) Engine Performance Parameters (Lab Report) In this report, include the following: Background Aim of the experiment Objective of the experiment Apparatus Theory (torque, brake power, brake thermal efficiency, and power) Procedure Health and safety Results Discussion Conclusion