Entries by admin

Manufacturing technology (Lab report)

What should be included? This lab will require writing formal report for the workshop practice. It can help you to understand the technical content in the workshop practice. Report writing is a critical part of the engineering field. Being able to produce high quality reports, summaries, and memos will be a major portion of your […]

IC Engine Performance Parameters (Lab Report)

Internal Combustion (IC) Engine Performance Parameters (Lab Report) In this report, include the following: Background Aim of the experiment Objective of the experiment Apparatus Theory (torque, brake power, brake thermal efficiency, and power) Procedure Health and safety Results Discussion Conclusion

Positive Psychology Clinical Applications

Assignment Instructions  Format this assignment in APA style, citing all the sources used appropriately. Although you are encouraged to use current evidence-based articles on positive psychology, they are only meant to support and compliment the text but not to replace it. Culture and diversity issues must be addressed where relevant. The entire assignment should be 12 […]

Energy Improvements to Buildings Report (Calculations)

Energy Improvements to Buildings You are provided with information of a building in the attachment. Present a report comprising the following: Introduction  Clalculations’ 2.1. Volume of the building 2.2. Area of walls 2.3. Area of doors 2.4. Area of windows 2.5. Heat loss coefficient (HLC) 2.6. Heat loss parameter (HLP) 2.7. Steady-state heat loss rate […]

Describing about a piece of art (Art and Architecture)

There are two purposes to this assignment. The first is to get you into the habit of looking at works of art and architecture and thinking about them materially, about the ways they are made. The second purpose is to introduce you to writing scientifically about a work of art. While you are in university […]

Process Improvement Techniques

Using the information provided, perform the following calculations: Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) takes into account three measurements:  availability, quality factor and performance Planned run time Downtime  Availability of the machine from Monday to Friday  Performance Quality rate Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Quality factor Pareto analysis

Durability of Concrete Report

Instructions Pick a concrete structure to analyze (1) define the environmental loads on each structural members, (2) determine the most relevant deterioration mechanism and design your concrete/cover for each member taking into account the reality of construction, (3) if concrete/cover have already been chosen in the drawings then justify their likely performance, and (4) impose […]

Reflection Engineering Problem Solving and Analysis

Part 1 Read and reflect on the article (750 words): Read attached article This article is relevant to both external AND on-campus students. Use the following elements to aid your reflection (Brodie 2010):  Retell – state the basic facts of the article, but also examine how you feel about it;  Relate – relate […]

Rescue robot design

Engineering materials Design a rescue robot for use during rescue operations. You may choose a wearable rescue robot or a mobile rescue robot. Very important to consider materials selection.