Entries by admin

Research-Based Assignment (Human Resource Homework Help)

This research-based assignment focuses on the latest available information about creating, organizing, and managing a total rewards program. Envision a service-based (insurance, telemarketing, or other) profit organization that employs 20,000 employees in 17 different countries. There are 2,000 management-level individuals who speak a variety of languages. The company employs diverse individuals who are governed by […]

Mythology Paper (Ancient History Homework Help)

Choose two major myths or episodes in Greek mythology (i.e. a major Homeric hymn or set of hymns, a substantial account or summary such as Hesiod or Apollodorus, or major episodes in one of the Homeric epics). Do not choose myths that you discussed in your previous paper. Compare and contrast the figures and events described […]

Footprinting Of A Network (Information Systems Homework Help)

There millions of websites – 2 or more students should not have the same website “choose wisely” This hands-on guide demonstrates how to conduct “Foot printing of a network” The best way to ensure your infrastructure is secure is to understand the steps an intruder may use to footprint a recon a network. This exercise […]

SOX Usage In Microsoft

How the Microsoft applies the SOX standard to their current business model.   Write a research paper that is: ­ 10 pages minimal ­Includes 5+ scholarly resources ­APA format is mandatory. Also a Presentation for 15 Slides (should not included start, End an questionnaire slide).

Diversity In Early Childhood (Article Writing Homework Help)

In your opinion, what is the best way to educate and assist children with special needs? Access one other source beside our text and provide a citation to support your viewpoint. Provide examples of why your strategies would be effective and if possible, include an actual classroom experience. The textbook link is:(https://ereader.chegg.com/#/books/9781337672214/cfi/143!/4/2@100:0.00) Please use proper […]

Developing A Project Plan (Project Plan Development)

Read and analyze the Greendale Stadium case presented in Ch. 6, “Developing a Project Plan” of Project Management: The Managerial Process. Construct a network schedule (Gantt chart) in Microsoft® Project 2013 for the stadium project, using the information provided in the case. Answer the following questions in a 1-page memorandum: Will the project be able to be completed by the May 20 deadline? How […]

Implementing Enterprise Risk Management: Case Studies And Best Practices

Text book:  Fraser, J., Simkins, B., & Narvaez, K. (2014). Implementing enterprise risk management: Case studies and best practices. John Wiley & Sons Chapter 22,  JAA Inc.—A Case Study in Creating Value from Uncertainty: Best Practices in Managing Risk This case has several important learning objectives: To study the importance of the communication process to […]

History Homework Help Part 1

In this assignment, you will choose a paragraph from a prose selection or a stanza from a poem and craft a close reading that explains what this passage reveals about the author’s understanding of what it means to be Black in their respective era. You may focus on explaining the passage’s theme or its form (novel, […]

Paper On Physical Security (CCTV, Fences, Physical Barriers)

1. What are some of the physical barriers provided by CCTV and chain link fences as it relates to discouraging criminal activities? 2. Should the designs and features of physical barriers be considered when business owners are planning to install such systems at their businesses? Why or why not? 3. Explain the following 4 types […]

Advocacy Through Legislation (Nursing Homework Help)

Nurses often become motivated to change aspects within the larger health care system based on their real-world experience. As such, many nurses take on an advocacy role to influence a change in regulations, policies, and laws that govern the larger health care system. For this assignment, identify a problem or concern in your state, community, […]